Monthly Newsletter – December 2024

Dear Fans,

Honestly, this month passed me by so quickly, that I can’t even believe it’s already December. I worked my last day on the 13th, and then the month was over in a blink. I guess five months of working 50 hours a week plus what I could manage of this job all got to me. Let’s not even get into the holidays.

Anyway, I promised I’d be working on getting back to a scheduled release. Honestly, I need to rebuild my stamina. It took nearly 9 months to get back to my 100k a month days last time, so I imagine it’ll be a few months to get back into things, but hopefully, you do see my releases picking up. Hey, as much as people feel like my writing is so slow… I’m still probably putting out close to 20-30k a month… which is way way more than many authors who make a lot more than me.

Either way, I’ll do my best to pick up my writing. For those of you wondering why Tales and MDL seemed to get axed the worst… well, for MDL, it’s because it’s released the most. I have to make a choice. I can get three other novels released, or I can get just MDL released. There were times I prioritized MDL. This last month, I prioritized the others. Well, either way, I’ll do my best.


* My tech was hit with bad storms and his place was flooded out. He managed to save his electronics, but he naturally has been in a state of emergency for the last three weeks and hasn’t done any work on the site. Hopefully, he’ll be able to get things back together soon and we can see some progress on those sponsorship chapters.

* World of Women has finished as a series. There will still be some bonus chapters coming with the eBooks, and I might include some after-story chapters available for sponsorship. I will be returning to Enslaved, but I’m currently releasing Demon’s World chapters until then. I plan to start releasing Enslaved in January.

*I’ve not been writing Tales. Part of it is just crappy scheduling, but I also feel like I need some break from the series. I shouldn’t have jumped right into the next book from the last one. It’s left me a bit drained. So, I’m going to take a break from Tales, and in its stead, I’ll release Rise of the Midnight King. I’m just gonna swap the two for a while, so Rise will release on Thursdays, and Tales will get one chapter at the end of the month every other month. I know I still have some lingering sponsored chapters I never released. I’ll get to those too eventually.

*I will be putting out my biannual survey again this month. I have a feeling the leading complaint will be a lack of releases… but I will do my best to fix that.

December Schedule

Monday: My Dungeon Life

Tuesday: Apocalypse

Wednesday: My Dungeon Life

Thursday: Rise of the Midnight King

Friday: My Dungeon Life

Saturday: Demon World’s Brothel

1st: Oops! I Banged My Bully’s Mom

8th: Automatic Girlfriend

15th: Women’s Pleasure Dungeon

22nd: Tales of a Sex Goddess

29th: Guy on a Spaceship

Bacterium: Has no weekly schedule, releases every 80 hours or something on light novel. I will try to get releases scheduled on my site. Like everything else, it’s falling behind.

9 PM Eastern Standard Time

Public Chapters Currently Releasing…

Apocalypse – Tuesday

Enslaved – Wednesday

MDL – Daily

Tales of an Enchantress – Monday

*This list may not be accurate. The easiest way to be sure is to just go to scribblehub/Royal Road and see what I’m releasing and when it comes out. I’ll try to get a more accurate list next month.  

Thank you all again for your continued support. I hate making promises since something always seems to come up that will prevent them. No sooner do I make a promise than I catch COVID or experience some life-changing event? However, the economy seems to be improving and I hope to start putting more time back into my writing too.

I have several new ideas I’d love to try (eventually) including a reworked version of Hellbound and a fun second-chance apocalypse story called Down in Ohio, and I still have quite a few ideas left for MDL and where to take it in the future. Some of my bad releasing has come down to technical problems from me working between home and work (plus another missing flash drive). However, I upgraded my Word to 2024 which seems to have superior saving functions, and I plan to upload everything to Google Docs so that I can always obtain it.

Thank you again for your support, and I’ll make it worth your while. Any month now… (as if a library of 50+ finished volumes plus various galleries isn’t worth $5 XD)



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Magnus Gallent
Magnus Gallent
1 month ago

Good to see you’re still around. I hope everything is going well for you.

Legna serolf
Legna serolf
1 month ago

And you keep going forward no matter what, some traits of the mc’s you write comes from the author who would think it

Thanks for your books, they are my favorites of the gender!!!

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