Monthly Newsletter – March 2025

Dear Fans,
I feel this month was pretty good. I hope you guys agree. I feel like I’ve been on top of things, getting back into the swing of writing regularly. I’m still working on my bedroom, but I’m down to just the floor now. I need to sand it, stain it, and then poly it, and then I can put my room back together.
Schedule has been good. Releases have been good. Okay, okay, maybe I’m not getting things out at exactly 9 pm, but most of my releases are done by the next day. I will reestablish the schedule eventually… and start releasing eBooks again. Believe me, I want to release eBooks. It used to be a major source of income, and I really need that income.
The problem is, I’ve been trapped on my laptop. Once office is finally done and I have a desktop, I can get working on those too. Plus, this summer, I shouldn’t have any work, so things should be good. Anyway, just being positive, things should be looking up. On to announcements.
* Sponsorship has finally returned. It works kind of oddly. Basically, it works like this. I write a sponsorship chapter and then you pay to sponsor it. If it gets sponsored, I write the next chapter. This puts you into one of two groups.
If you are a $15 tier or higher, you see the sponsor chapter immediately. The next chapter will not be written until sponsor total is reached, so if you want to sponsor it to get to the next chapter, I’ll have a new chapter out within a week. You can sponsor as much as you want up to the total due.
If you are $10 or under, you will not see the sponsor chapter. As long as you donate $5, you will be able to read it immediately. Once enough people donate to fill the donation bar, the next chapter will be written and you can donate to that one.
So, simply put, if a chapter gets sponsored once a week, you could theoretically have any story released as rapidly as a scheduled story… and if I’m being honest, a story that is beings sponsored weekly would have a very high chance of becoming a schedule story eventually.
Now, here is the thing. I haven’t written most sponsor chapters yet. I will only write them for stories NOT releasing weekly. I think a weekly chapter is as much as should be expected for most stories, although if I ever get ahead on writing enough, I may eventually break this rule.
I have Oops, I Banged My Bully’s Mom sponsorship up now, but nothing else. If you want to see a sponsor up because you know you or someone else is going to donate to it, let me know and I’ll prioritize these novels. Once again, this won’t be completed series or releasing series. This is only everything else that has either been on hiatus or on the once a month rotating club. I will concentrate on the stories I enjoy writing first, but if someone specifically wants… say… Last Dreadpirate, please just tell me, and I’ll focus on that next.
* Enslaved… what can I say about Enslaved. I’m still reading it. It hasn’t been my priority. I’ll try to make it a priority to be done by the end of this break.
*Break? Yeah, 3-1-through 3-7 is my week off. I will definitely be writing through it, probably filling out sponsor chapters and catching up on premiums. This won’t be the week I get ahead so everything releases on schedule, sadly.
* I do have a lot of plans on standby. I have forgotten nothing. It’s just a matter of time and energy. If anyone wants to help out, please feel free to contact me. There are tons of busy work things that need doing. Heck, if there was someone who had the knowledge and wanted to help make manuscripts for me, I desperately need that.
You can be an editor for one of my stories, or help make manuscripts, or help with PR. I would give free membership for people who freely help while they are helping. Best place to contact me is on discord.
March Schedule
No Scheduled Releases between March 1st and 7th.
Monday: My Dungeon Life
Tuesday: Apocalypse
Wednesday: My Dungeon Life
Thursday: Rise of the Midnight King
Friday: My Dungeon Life
Saturday: Enslaved
9th: Oops! I Banged My Bully’s Mom
16th: Automatic Girlfriend
23rd: Women’s Pleasure Dungeon
30th: Guy on a Spaceship
Bacterium: Has no weekly schedule, releases every 80 hours or something on light novel. I try to release them around time they release on light novel. If I forget, a friendly reminder and I’ll get around to it.
9 PM Eastern Standard Time
Public Chapters Currently Releasing…
Apocalypse – Sunday
Enslaved – Wednesday
MDL – Daily
Tales of a Demon Queen – Monday
World of Women – Sunday
*This list may not be accurate. As series finish up, I’m never quite sure what’s being released. If my site isn’t up to date on free releases, let me know.
February Releases
Demon’s World Brothel – 1 – 1504 words
Oops! I Banged My Bully’s Mom – 2 – 6490 words
My Dungeon Life – 7 – 12273 words
Women’s Pleasure Dungeon – 3 – 9213 words
Apocalypse – 3- 4776 words
Rise of the Midnight King – 3 – 9600 words
Automatic Girlfriend – 1 – 1549 words
Guy on a Spaceship – 2 – 6029 words
Bacterium – 8 – 13489 words
Down in Ohio- 2 – 7460 words
Friend Zone – 3 -10005 words
Total words – 82,388 words
Yeah, I brought my word counter back, and this time it’s actual, not an estimate. 80k Isn’t bad for a February, even in my prime.
Im new and im getting the subscription, your the first author i will pay and is worth every damn dollar
Thanks for so much amazing stories