Monthly Newsletter – September 2024

Dear Fans,

Alright, we reached September. I guess I’ll announce what I can. Sorry the newsletter is coming out so late this month. I’m “off” until September 7th and this was just part of that.


*If you are Just the Tip and you lost access to your book selections (ie, you can’t go to JT Novel Selection), then please let me know. The more you tell me, the better off I can help you. If you can’t even tell me your payment method and your email/username used for your account, I don’t know how you expect me to help you. Half the time, people don’t even respond when I email them back, which might be going to spam for all I know, so for your sake, be as clear as possible. “I DON HAEV AXES TO MAH BOHKS” is not that helpful of a statement. You can check My Memberships any time. If your account is active and your role is properly selected, and its only one chapter you can’t access, tell me that. Also, if you fix the issue, it’d be nice if you told me so I didn’t have to keep checking. Once again, if you are a new Just the Tip or you quit and returned… it is merely a tip supporting me as an author, and doesn’t provide any benefits anymore.

*Alright, last month was bad. Not only did I have the stomach flu which was immediately followed by the COVID, but a week later I got into a car accident. So, all I can say is I’m sorry content has been releasing so slowly. My kids are back in school now, and I’m slowly getting a grip on my new work hours. At the moment, this is the best I can do. As for what I need to improve? About $2k. I reckon if I made about $2k more a month, I could quit one of my jobs, which would give me more time to write. This doesn’t necessarily need to come from memberships. It used to come from novel sales. However, I haven’t been getting novels out lately, and what used to be an income of $1500-$3000 has dwindled to $300 a month. I’m looking for solutions to that, including hiring a manuscript maker. The scrapper is finished, so there is no reason I can’t crank out books again other than personal time, or lack thereof.  

*Since Koko finished the scrapper. He’s working on one or two more convenience apps for me and then we should be onto sponsorships. Expect that to roll out in a few months.

*MDL has not been releasing nearly 5 times a week. I am going to drop it down to 3X a week to try to get a schedule that is doable. With me working two jobs, there is just no way I can write multiple chapters a day. One a day, plus the bacterium and premium chapters, is already pushing it. I told people and we even did the June Survey where I asked if people wanted me to work less on Bacterium so that I can dedicate more time on other novels, and the winning answer was to keep things as they are. So, bacterium has continued to release reliably (at least on lightnovel), and is still 5-7 chapters ahead based on the day of the week. I’ll point out only 60 some people did the survey this June… so if you’re not happy with these results, I did say the survey mattered. Thankfully, the next survey is in December and I might ask this question again then, so please complete the survey!

September Schedule

No scheduled releases from September 1-7th.

Monday: My Dungeon Life

Tuesday: Apocalypse

Wednesday: My Dungeon Life

Thursday: Tales of a Sex Goddess

Friday: My Dungeon Life

Saturday: World of Women

8th: Oops! I Banged My Bully’s Mom

15th: Automatic Girlfriend

22nd: Women’s Pleasure Dungeon

29th: Rise of the Midnight King

Bacterium: Has no weekly schedule, releases every 80 hours or something?

9 PM Eastern Standard Time

Public Chapters Currently Releasing…

Apocalypse – Tuesday

Enslaved – Wednesday

MDL – Daily

Tales of an Enchantress – Monday

The last app I’m asking Koko to make for the moment is to be able to get my release numbers. I plan to write a few chapters ahead starting today, and here’s hoping I can keep my releases stable and complete for the month. Any premium chapters or sponsor chapters I have not released will still be released eventually, but I can’t sit back and release every missed scheduled release or I’d never catch up. Sorry, but not every month goes smoothly. That’s life.



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6 months ago

I hope you get to feeling better after all of your illnesses and the accident.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x