I Reincarnated Into A Single-Celled Organism! - I Reincarnated into a Single-celled Organism! - Chapter 129
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- I Reincarnated into a Single-celled Organism! - Chapter 129
“Sammuel Edison!” A name came up on the bulletin that caused the crowds to explode with interest. “Isn’t he crippled?’
“No, Lord Nikola showed mercy and only blocked his evolutionary pathway, preventing him from ever evolving again.”
“Then, why is he here? He hasn’t evolved since he was what, eighteen?”
“You don’t understand, besides being a provincial prince with unlimited resources, he was also a genius. Even though he was only eighteen, he already passed his second evolution and was considered flawless. Although he has no chance against Brandon Capala, he still should be one of the top contenders today.”
Similar conversations were occurring all across the audience. Even those sitting in the noble rises overlooking from above leaned forward with interest. Edison would be a famous name they all had heard about, and Sammuel the Broken served as a cautionary tale for everyone in this generation that no matter how much you shined, a fall could happen just as suddenly without warning.
“Well, it looks like it’s my turn.” Sammuel no longer attempted to hide his identity as he pulled back his hood and stepped up to the stage.
He seemed to hold his head a bit differently, and although his feet still held a bit of instability, he truly did hold a regal aura that even most of the noble families present couldn’t match. The person who stood across from the Lou family. He was within his third realm of evolution too. He gave Sammuel a polite bow.
“I always dreamed of defeating a prince,” he declared. “I admired your path as a child. I shall savor this victory.”
Although his words weren’t necessarily rude, they were full of condescension. Sammuel wore a messy beard and he smelled of alcohol. He even took a swig from his container that never seemed to be empty. It was clear that he hadn’t been taking care of himself. Even with his evolutionary state being in the third realm, he likely had declined over the years. After all, if someone wasn’t progressing in their evolutionary path, they would quickly become living fossils.
“Well, we’ll just have to see then.” Sammy chuckled, not seeming to take offense.
“You should draw your weapon, or don’t blame me when you’re quickly embarrassed,” the Lou knight declared.
“If I draw my weapon, one must force me.” He responded, shrugging nonchalantly.
Of the weeks I had known Sammuel, he had only ever drawn the sword one time, and that was to prevent me from being struck by a whip. I was starting to realize that he wasn’t someone who drew his sword easily.
“Hmph, arrogant.” The Lou paragon pulled his sword. “In that case, brace yourself.”
The Lou family seemed to have a sense of honor. Even when he looked down at his enemy, he still announced his attack and thought of fairness.
When he attacked, his blade was fast. As far as I could see, it was a single strike. But Sammuel simply avoided it with his unsteady footing. It looked more like he stumbled than dodged, but the blade strike ended up landing right next to him.
He continued stumbling forward and the man kept slashing. With each slash, he avoided and stumbled around. He didn’t even need to defend, instead relying on his footwork to avoid strike after strike. The Lou paragon was quickly becoming more frustrated. Although his attacks were as fast as lightning, each one intending to strike Sammy, Sammy just dodged them all.
“Quit dodging, coward!” The Lou paragon had seemingly reached its limit, snapping unhappily.
Sammy’s eyes gleamed, and a small smirk lit his face. The Lou paragon attacked once again, but this time after Sammy dodged, he grabbed the man’s hand holding his hilt, and then applied some force. He used the man’s momentum, sending him flying off the stage. As the Lou Knight hit the ground, only a few people started clapping. The majority were somewhat silent and solemn.
Lord Lou even let out a sigh. “Such a travesty.”
Destiny nodded. “Mm, our family has yet to win a match.”
He gave her a side glance and then sighed. “I meant with Sammuel. He has such talent. It is truly a shame that his path was cut short. Who knows how far he could have gone? He might have even evolved passed lord one day.”
“Why would father admire him? Didn’t we fight on Lord Nikola’s side? That’s why he made father a noble.”
“We did what made sense for our family, but I’d be lying if I didn’t admire talent. Yet, in the end, isn’t it destiny that always wins.”
“Father, please stop using my name for puns.” She pouted, causing him to chuckle softly as he patted her head.
A few more names came up on the list, and we were coming pretty close to the end of the round when my name suddenly surfaced. I almost wondered if Lord Lou had a point about destiny, as the name that came up counter to mine was one I was a bit familiar with. That was none other than Huntington Frankford, the one who almost ran me over. Until Brandon Capala revealed his fourth realm status, Huntington was the one everyone thought had the highest chance to win.
His name naturally excited the crowds who wanted to see the top contestants fight, but my name was generally unknown. Thus, it was more interesting to the select few who did react upon seeing the name Spirit appear. Mara nearly leaped off the balcony, moving forward to the point that she blocked the view of one of the sitting women, who snapped at her to move.
“I-I’m sorry, it’s him!” Mara glanced at Abigail, who seemed somewhat shocked, but merely gave her sister a slight nod.
“Who is him? Huntington? Are you a fangirl? It’s too bad, he has his heart set on Lady Gisselle,” the other woman said with a sneer. “You should recognize your place as a maid. Isn’t it wishful thinking that some valiant noble will whisk you away?”
Mara glanced at the other woman but ultimately didn’t try to correct her. She merely stepped back a bit, but she was still watching carefully as I came up on the stage and lifted my hood. Of course, Mara and Abigail weren’t the only two who reacted. One person nearly reacted the same as Mara. Destiny Lou stood up and immediately gripped the balcony rail. Her father couldn’t help but frown slightly as he watched his daughter’s violent reaction.
“He’s alive?” Destiny shook, a knot she had felt in her heart for two weeks suddenly releasing.
A swell of emotions even stronger than she had anticipated caused tears to appear in her eyes. To those who noticed her reaction, it seemed extremely odd. Some thought that perhaps she was also a fan of Huntington. After all, few had even heard of me, but the handful who recognized me from my place beside Sammuel the Broken knew me to be some useless drunk that the other man had teamed up with. I could already read their thoughts. Was I someone who practiced martial combat?
Of course, Shui noticed my entrance, as well as Destiny’s reaction to me. He had been standing a short distance from me in the waiting area, and his expression couldn’t help but turn ugly as he looked at me. I was the guy who had seemingly flirted with his future wife. There was no love lost there.
I also noticed another pair of eyes locked on me. These were the eyes of Lady Stride. I didn’t think she recognized me from when I sneaked into her mansion, but she might have recognized me when I ran into her while riding the infernal wolf king. At that point, she had seen my face, as I hadn’t altered it at that point. There was naturally Grandmaster Bai too, but as an alchemist, he already had little interest in the martial competition and was only there to give face to the magistrate. He was busy enjoying food while molesting a maid behind a veil where he felt no one noticed. Although, even if he did look, I would have only been vaguely familiar and he wouldn’t connect me to the man he robbed.
After the initial surprise and buzz of Huntington arriving on stage, a low murmur grew as people began to look at me. They naturally were all surprised because I gave off no mana signature. In other words, I was a mortal in their eyes. A mortal wanted to fight against a third-realm paragon. Even the thought was laughable.
“Magistrate, for someone of this level, I am unable to hold back from harming him,” Huntington explained politely, but there was a mocking smile as he glanced in my direction.
“Naturally, he chose to enter the stage,” the magistrate replied. “Whatever happens, happens.”
“As magistrate commands.” He turned to me and grinned. “You’ll regret thinking too highly of yourself today.”
“Is that so?” I asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Daddy! Please stop this.” Destiny grabbed her father, stunning him.
Destiny hadn’t called him that in many years. It was proof of how worried she was. Unfortunately, as much as he liked to spoil this daughter of his, he didn’t have the right to interfere. As the magistrate said, I had entered the stage of my own accord.
“I’m sorry.” Abigail gave Mara an apologetic look.
“For what?” Mara cocked her head.
After all, Mara knew a bit of my strength. She knew a third realm wasn’t a danger to me. Abigail could only give her a regretful look as if her ignorance would soon be challenged. Huntington pulled his sword and attacked.