My Dungeon Life: Rise of the Slave Harem - My Dungeon Life – Chapter 1007-1009
Chapter 1007
It was about an hour later before everyone starting filing at the entrance to the embassy. I called it an embassy, but it wasn’t. It was only a short few months ago when Aberis and the Ost Republic were still in open conflict, so why would they offer anything like that? However, a large mansion had been gifted to the country of Aberis to reside in while they were here for diplomatic reasons. The Tibult family had been using it as their estate, but all the lords and ladies who came from Aberis were equally welcome. That was ultimately the place Eliana led us and where we met Otto.
The girls all came out in proper attire. Eliana looked beautiful and refined. The other two were dressed well, but their outfits were the outfits of workers. Faeyna and Raissa’s official roles were our servants. The only one who wouldn’t be joining us was Siti, who would remain at the mansion and rest.
I didn’t feel that great about treating the girls as the help, but it would be odder if I brought them into the celebration as my three dates. Eliana at least had the status and etiquette while the other two possessed experience serving under nobles, so everyone was comfortable on their part. There were many reasons I had chosen these three to escort beyond the others being busy.
As much as I loved my girls, Lydia, Celeste, Shao, Terra, and Miki were all a bit rough around the edges and didn’t mingle around the aristocracy very well. It wasn’t that I worried they’d embarrass me. It was just that they usually went quiet and kept their heads down when they were in those kinds of environments, and I knew they weren’t enjoying themselves. I probably wasn’t much better, but I had to force myself. Since I was a noble, I had to act the part.
“We’re going to head to the wedding now,” Otto explained. “We’ll meet up with my family there before the wedding.”
That second part made him sound extremely depressed. I sympathized with him. It seemed like even now, he was doing everything he could to separate himself from his family. A lot of his actions in the past, trying to defeat a dungeon and earn the status of hero, wasn’t just because he didn’t want to be cut off from his father. It was because he wanted to be his own man, apart from the fame of his family. It wasn’t a problem I typically had to deal with, but I at least could sympathize with him.
The group of us left the mansion. The streets were packed, so we had to walk. Getting a palanquin or carriage through these crowds would be impossible. Comparing this city to the gladiatorship, it not only was a city about ten times the size of Alerith, but the population was many times more compacted. Many people had come for this royal wedding, most of which would never actually be able to enter the actual wedding, but would celebrate in the streets all the same.
I found as we walked that the wedding would be taking place in a massive cathedral. It reminded me a bit of the one in the capital of Aberis, but this one was much larger. As we approached, my eyes fell on someone in the crowd. It was a young girl with her arms crossed. She stood out because there was a group of handsome men all around her, keeping anyone from bumping into her.
“Harem! Hey!”
Chapter 1008
Harem was a fellow dungeon diver. I had only met her twice. Once, I had encountered her in the Mirror Labyrinth on the border of the Ost Republic and Aberis. The other place I had encountered her was in Alerith, during the gladiator event. She seemed to be a free spirit and went wherever something interesting was happening. Of course, she always brought a group of men. It seemed to have grown since I had last seen it. There were eight guys around her now.
“Harem!” I called again as I approached her.
Otto and the others stayed back but waited for me. I wasn’t feeling particularly rushed. I remembered that Harem had asked me to come to this event, but I hadn’t been that interested. I was planning on skipping it until Prince Aberis asked me to attend it as well. After defeating the demon lord though, I was treating this as my vacation. General Tibult was there for honor and setting up negotiations. I was there to relax.
The men all moved to block me from getting close to Harem, but at this point, I stood a head taller than most of them, and they couldn’t block me at all. Harem looked up at me, and her expression was blank for a while. This was the third time we met, but she was no better at recognizing me. A few of the men whom I had seen before finally realized who I was, and whispered in her ear. Only then did she respond.
“N-newbie! Is that you?”
“Well, you’re the only one who calls me that.” I coughed awkwardly.
I was pretty sure it was because she didn’t know my name.
“Right… I didn’t recognize you. I’m sorry!”
“Ah, yeah. Things happened.”
I laughed and rubbed the back of my neck. I didn’t blame her too much for not recognizing me. We had only met about a month ago, but I had changed a lot since then.
“I’ll say. You’ve changed a lot. It’s a new haircut, right?”
I raised an eyebrow and even one of the men slapped his face. She wasn’t good with faces. Maybe that was the reason men were so interchangeable with her. Ah… I probably shouldn’t think such thoughts, I wasn’t much better. Faeyna and Eliana had stepped forward, grabbing one of my arms each as if to mark their territory from the other woman.
“Yeah… it’s a haircut…” I responded dryly.
“Oh! Nevermind, that!” She slapped her head as she had just remembered something. “How long have you been in town? Have you talked to her yet?”
“Huh? Who?”
“Hmm? The bride?” Eliana cocked her head in surprise.
“Wait.” I frowned. “Alyssa is the one getting married?”
“You’ve come this far and you didn’t know?”
“I just came because a princess was getting married.”
“Alyssa is the princess! Oof… this is why you were supposed to come two weeks ago. Now, it’s too late to do anything!”
I blinked. “Was I supposed to do something?”
“Ah… but… I thought, you and Alyssa…” She blushed slightly.
The former me might not have understood what she meant, but ever since my resurrection, I had felt more observant when it came to these kinds of things. She thought I had some kind of deep connection to Alyssa. Well, I had said a few embarrassing things in the past, but it wasn’t like she took them seriously. She didn’t take them seriously, or she wouldn’t be getting married.
“Deek, the wedding will be starting in a few minutes.” Otto broke in. “We need to get into the church now or we’re going to be stuck out here like them just watching as the bride and groom depart.”
Chapter 1009
I said a hasty goodbye to Harem after reassuring her everything was fine. She still had a worried expression on her face. I was surprised to see the same expression on the other girl’s faces as well.
“I’m sorry, Deek, I thought you already knew,” Eliana said tearfully.
“It’s fine.” I patted her head reassuringly. “I can consider Alyssa a friend, like Harem. I should celebrate that she’s getting married, right?”
Although I said that to reassure the girls, deep inside I felt a strange and uncomfortable feeling inside. I wasn’t happy for Alyssa at all. I felt like I was somehow losing something. It wasn’t like I had any claim to her. We had only encountered each other twice months ago. However, I had thought there was something between us, and knew that something had been snuffed out before it began.
At the very least, I respected Alyssa greatly, and I wouldn’t do anything to upset the wedding. Finding this out didn’t change my plans at all. I came to relax at a celebration, and I intended to do that much.
“Brother!” A large beast of a woman cried out with her arms wide open.
Octavia Tibult ran up and grabbed Otto, lifting him into the air and hugging him. He made choking noises and she swung him around. His face was shoved into her chest… but there was nothing soft there, it was all hard pectorals.
“You cut things short. We’ve been keeping an eye out for you.” Octius came up, a gentle smile on his lipstick covered lips.
“Deek… you’ve bulked up! Good job!” As Octavia finally dropped the sputtering Otto, she gave me a thumbs up in appreciation over my body.
Somehow, being complemented by this girl didn’t cheer me up at all.
“So, you are the uprising noble the king and my children have spoken about.” A beautiful woman appeared.
She reached and pulled me in a hug before I could do anything, and then kissed me on the cheek. She was just tall enough to do it on her tiptoes. Seeing her looking up at me with her hand on my chest, caused some perverted feelings to shoot through me. Her beauty was exceptional, and even though she was older, she had a sensualness that rivaled Elaya. She didn’t have Elaya’s large chest, but somehow that only added to her beauty. I had a feeling of strength in her, and I felt like she might even be as strong if not stronger than the other woman.
She bit her lip and reached up and touched my cheek. She seemed to be very touchy. Her hands held me like a close lover. My mouth was open, and I could barely speak. Where had this beauty come from? Was this Lady Tibult? Wait, was the Lady Tibult supposed to be here?
“Dad, we talked about this!” Otto cried out.
“How can I truly measure a man without getting a feel for him, from his outside…” she spoke breathily as she stroked her slender perfect hands down my chest. “To the inside…”
No! Not a she…. It was… it was…
“Let me introduce you to my father. General Octin Tibult.” Otto said with an embarrassed look on his face.
“G-general Trap! Ahem… I mean Tibult…”
Actually, I was pretty sure I was right the first time!