My Dungeon Life: Rise of the Slave Harem - My Dungeon Life – Chapter 1028-1030
Chapter 1028
The light faded, and the pair of us appeared in an ally outside of the palace where the reception was being held. The sounds of excited shouting and festivities turned into a cacophony around us.
“Wh-what did you do?” Alysia gasped.
“I can’t promise you forever, but perhaps we can have a little bit more time,” I responded weakly.
She looked out of the ally, and into the festival being thrown by the citizens of the Ost Republic. There were food stalls, games, music, and festivities stretched out as far as the eye could see. The entire city was abuzz with celebration, and that celebration was because their precious princess was being married.
“Why would you do this?”
“You wanted some time. I gave you some time. Would you rather I take you back?” I asked.
“N-no…” She looked back out, temptation clear on her face before she suddenly thought of another objection. “I can’t go out there! Not like this. I’ll be recognized.”
“That’s an easy enough fix.” I laughed.
I accessed my dungeon skill store, and the tattoos on my body all began to light up. Ever since I had recombined the two bodies, all of the tattoos were no longer visible. They only appeared when I was either pulling on the power of my blessings, something I still couldn’t do reliably, or when I was accessing my store. Alysia looked appraisingly as glowing light shone all over my body, leaking out from the seams of my clothing and some even shining through when the material was thin enough to allow it.
“Just… how many blessings do you have?” She asked in wonder.
“Enough,” I responded, and the light went out like a light switch.
She blinked a few times, and then let out a cry. “Ah! You look different!”
A standard nondescript Osterian stood in front of her. I was no longer wearing my fine outfit, but a typical commoner guard. I have Mimic, but it is still too low of a level that I wasn’t confident I’d be able to trick people with it alone. Thus, I equipped the Transformation skill. It was a twenty-five-point skill, but it allowed me to look like anyone I wanted. The setback was that it could only work on one person at a time and those points were used as long as it was active. However, I could stack it as I did with Portal, thus it was twenty-five points per person.
That was obscenely expensive, so I really couldn’t use it before. Since it was so expensive, I had to assume the Transformation was nearly perfect. This was a Transformation that would hide someone’s appearance completely so they couldn’t be tracked or identified. Wouldn’t that be an ability that would create the perfect assassin? Twenty-five points seemed kind of cheap when you realized the espionage-like possibilities of a level 100 Transformation.
Dropping most of the dungeon skills I had previously had equipped, I waved a hand, and the princess in her fine dress turned into another woman. She was still beautiful, but she looked like a young girl ready for a festival, rather than a bride who had just been married.
“Wh-what about my palace? We’ll start a war!”
“We’re going to be gone for a few hours. They’ll sweat and rage, but there won’t be anything they can do about it. Besides, I have ‘Slave Communication’, so my girls will let me know if it gets serious. They’ve already safely returned to the embassy. Besides, I have several spells. They won’t take us off guard.”
“I’ve been meaning to ask you about that. Just what is your job anyway?”
I held out my arm. “My job is the help the bride smile on her last night. Will you come?”
She looked down at my arm, and for the first time that night, a genuine smile came on her face as she took my arm. The pair of us walked off into the festival.
Chapter 1029
If I had to explain why I chose to take Alysia, those feelings were hard to articulate. She had asked me to give her more time, and I had realized that I needed more time too. I felt a bit foolish. I really should have shown up two weeks ago. Demon Lord Aberis had likely chosen his time to attack extremely carefully. While the prince had his eyes on the peace summit built around this olive branch wedding ceremony, he’d be free to conquer Chalm and claim the west. By the time Prince Edward had time to worry about other things, the damage would have already been done, and he would have just had to accept it.
However, Demon Lord Aberis had never predicted that I had survived the Twilight Dungeon and that I had also ended up with two souls, who managed to set up a trap for him by seemingly working against each other. Thus, there was nothing I could have done to arrive here earlier. It just felt like there wasn’t enough time.
Harem seemed to have known something that the pair of us hadn’t realized ourselves. It was too late for the pair of us to just part ways and pretend we never met. There was a bond between us, and before she could walk off with her groom, we had to rectify these feelings between us.
Deep down, we both realized that this moment would be fleeting. Although her smile was genuine, every once in a while, there would be a bittersweet tinge to the expression as if she knew that this date would be the last. She was married now, and it’d be her husband that she would be returning to. If I pushed things farther than I already had, then we might genuinely start a war after all. However, we both needed this moment. My girls understood it, and that’s why they kept a watch out for me while they allowed us this night.
The pair of us walked through the festival. We bought various foods, and I was excited to find that food in the Ost Republic was tastier than the typical flavorless stews of Aberis. It turned out that it was just Aberis as a nation that didn’t have a lot of good choices. That made sense since Aberis was isolated on three sides. Trade could only come through the Imperial Cloud Meadow, which was a turbulent relationship, to say the least.
Time passed, and we played games and even went on a few rides. As one hour turned into three hours, I started to feel a bit worried. At the very least, I had expected to see some sign of the panic over the bride disappearing. However, I hadn’t seen a single guard or searching soldier. It was extremely quiet and peaceful. I had even gotten a look directly at the castle and they weren’t reacting at all.
“Anything?” I asked Faeyna worriedly.
“The Tibults arrived home without incident. They weren’t even aware you had taken off with the bride until we told them.”
Was it really how Alysia had said? Since no one at the party wanted to acknowledge that they were together, then it effectively didn’t happen? Something about it all felt off.
“Alysia, perhaps it’s best if we get you back.” I explained.”
Her smile finally dropped, and she nodded her head resolutely. However, then her expression turned serious and she reached and grabbed my hands.
“Deek, can we do one last thing before we go our separate ways? I just want one more thing.”
“What is it?”
“I… I want to have sex with you.”
Chapter 1030
“I’m a virgin.” She blushed. “I just… I don’t want my first time… to be him. Not him.”
There seemed to be a resoluteness in that voice like this was something extremely important to her.
“Is that really okay? Your husband…”
“He doesn’t care. He’s banged hundreds of women. He’s probably sleeping with one of them right now while he waits for me to show back up. He’s too lazy to care about me. He just wants to possess me, and he knows I’ll inevitably end up back in his hands,” she said bitterly. “He-he’s dated many sluts too. He tends to like slutty women. He’d probably be-be happy that I had more experience.”
As she spoke, her voice shuddered and a tear fell down her face.
“Alysia, you’re not a slut.”
“I got married… sold my body to a man for my nation. How am I not one?”
I wiped her tear-stained face, wrapping my arms around her. “You’re not.”
She buried her head in my chest. “Please, can you just give me this one perfect night? Can we end it perfectly? I promise I will never ask another thing from you. I will swear on my life and the nation that this won’t negatively affect Aberis. It will almost certainly be to your advantage.”
I opened my mouth, my head shaking. “You… could get pregnant.”
Pervert had leveled by leaps in bounds recently. Experiencing sex as both a man and a woman was extremely favorable to it. Not only did I have control of the lust, but I finally unlocked an ability called “Fertility”. I could shut it on or off, deciding if I wanted a woman to get pregnant or not. As long as I remembered to activate it, I’d never had another unexpected pregnancy.
“Heh… that would be best.”
“It’s not so easy. We’re like animalkin in that respect. We don’t get pregnant easily. Some believe that Osterians are just a line of animalkin that separated from Dioshin at some point and established our own culture. Our species tends to have multiple children per pregnancy, 4-5, so we breed nearly as fast as humans despite the pregnancy rate being slower.”
“You didn’t know? King Xerin is my twin brother. Mother had both of us together.”
“I can barely believe that’s even Xin.”
“N-nothing…” I cleared my throat. “Are you sure this is really what you want?”
She looked me in the eyes and bit her lip. “You’ve gotten taller, you know.”
“I know,” I answered shortly, not letting her change the subject.
She sighed. “You claimed me already before, now, I want you to take what you’ve claimed. Just for one night. Just for us. Can we do that? Afterward… it doesn’t matter what they want. It’ll be done.”
“Then, for the next few hours at least, I’m yours.”
The pair of us were quiet as we found an inn. Finding one that had a vacancy was easier said than done. We seemed to luck out at the third place we checked, almost like fate was driving us to this point. I took her up to the room, and then we dropped out disguises. Our clothes soon followed, and then our bodies.