My Dungeon Life: Rise of the Slave Harem - My Dungeon Life – Chapter 1094-1096
Chapter 1094
“Deek.” Alysia warned.
As I stood there breathing hard, the ashes that were once the demon lord floating away, we were still standing between two armies. I raised my sword to the army of the Ost Republic.
“You need to decide who your enemies are!” I yelled out to them. “Aberis is my country, and you’re threatening my borders! If you want to pass, you’ll need to go through me!”
The soldiers standing there, having just helplessly watched their greatest champion and their king destroyed, began to mutter to themselves. I worried that I had gone too far. This would be a grievous insult to a country, and may even lead to war. However, if the army wanted to charge me, I planned to stand my ground. I had sufficient dungeon points now that when it came to wiping out an army, I could do so. That thought left a complicated feeling in my heart.
A very large Osterian man stepped out. He would be about ten feet tall, definitely the largest I had seen. He was bald except for a topknot on the back of his hair. He wasn’t wearing armor or even a shirt. He had rippling muscles and a large Warhammer on his back. I readied myself. It looked like they weren’t done sending opponents my way. I hoped they didn’t continue to send one at a time. That would wear me down if that was the case.
The man walked out halfway to me. My body tensed as I prepared for the battle to come. Alysia must have felt my hand sweating.
“Master, you don’t need to worry.”
The man pulled out his war hammer. It really looked like I did need to worry. That’s when he plopped it down on the ground with a thud. He then kneeled, lowering his head.
“King Deekson!” He called out. “Lord of Osteria.”
The Osterians in the army began to kneel one at a time. Soon, half the army was lowering their heads to me. These mostly were the Osterians. As for the humans, they looked around lost, some looking like they were a moment from running away from the battle.
“Alysia?” I called her for clarification.
“Osterians value strength above all else. That strength isn’t always pure ability. It can mean being clever, or it can mean bravery. This is why they were willing to follow a demon lord, even back then. That same value transfers to you. You have shown your strength, and you have pulled the sword. The Osterians are recognizing you as the lord of Osteria.”
I wasn’t going to let such a title go to my head. After all, there was no Osteria. I was the lord of a country that no longer existed. The Ost Republic was a combination of humans and Osterians, and the human councils likely wouldn’t be so willing to bow to a foreign king, just based on what I knew about human nature.
“My, oh my, you were quite handsome and daring. You’ve definitely moved my heart.” A voice sounded from behind me.
I stiffened at the too feminine sounding voice of General Tibult. I turned back to see the four members of the Tibult family as well as Prince Edward. They had ridden out and were now behind me.
“Deek Deekson.” Prince Edward spoke in a formal voice.
“It looks like Aberis is victorious.” I responded with a nod.
“Today is your day, Lord Deekson.” He responded. “This victory is yours, and everyone here knows it.”
Chapter 1095
The soldiers on the Aberis side had broken into cheers. They were celebrating and hugging each other as the battle officially ended. The humans on the Ost Republic side were starting to break away, returning to their homes to report what happened here. Meanwhile, the Osterians seemed to be waiting for something.
I looked to Prince Edward as he bowed to me. “Ah… why so formal?”
“Deek, after today, your name will resonate. I’m afraid your actions and deeds outstrip my own. Will I be able to call you brother much longer?”
“You better,” I replied. “After all, your sister is now my sl- ahem, wife.”
“Eliana?” Edward straightened up. “If father hadn’t left on another journey, he surely would have made a bloody path to the capital to rescue Eliana two months ago. I fear I have heard nothing about how she is doing. Is she well? Ah… wife?”
“We did… um… a ceremony.” I laughed. “Before I came to the front lines. Eliana and I are now bonded. She is safe in the Ost Republic.”
I wasn’t quite ready to tell him his sister was my slave. That was a conversation for a day after we’ve had some rest and a drink.
“So, she is safe?”
Before I answered him, I sent a Slave Communication to Eliana, both telling her what happened and asking if she wanted me to bring her back to Aberis.
“Ah! D-Deek’s voice is in my head!” Eliana’s voice cried out in surprise. “So, this is what it is like for the slaves…”
“You seriously defeated the Demon Lord Aberis?”
“Yes, the human army scattered, and the Osterians do not seem to be a threat, I think.”
“Very well.”
“Should I come and get you?”
“Actually, no. I’m fine where I am right now.”
“I can do more good here. With the Osterian king dead, the country will be unstable. This is finally our chance to end the feud between our two countries. Furthermore, I can help you search for the whereabouts of Raissa and Faeyna easier here.”
“You sound very adult.”
“Wh-what are you saying? I’m a princess and a diplomat! I have responsibilities too, you know!”
“Yeah, I know…”
I had always thought Eliana was a pampered princess. However, she had been a political prisoner for two months, and even after all of that, she was still worrying about the people of the Ost Republic. Even in captivity, her popularity there had exploded, and she was seen almost as one of them. It was something I didn’t think anyone else would be able to accomplish like she did. In some ways, I admired her ability.
I told her to call me if there were any troubles, and then ended my conversation with her. Technically, only I could open a Slave Communication with one of my slaves, but as I studied Slave Master as a job, especially with a few levels of Advanced Learning equipped as a dungeon skill, I now realized that I could feel when a slave wanted to contact me. It might have been an aspect of Slave Empath, but it worked at quite a distance, so if there was an emergency, I would know no matter how far away a slave got, barring some kind of large division like a dungeon or being on the other side of the world.
I told Prince Edward what Eliana had said, and he nodded, taking it in stride. “Sister is a very capable woman. If she’s confident, then I will put my trust in her.”
I nodded. “Then that settles things.”
“Not exactly…” He gave an awkward look.
“Well, we have a lot of things that need discussing.” Prince Edward explained. “However, the thing of greatest importance to you, right now, is Chalm.”
“What about Chalm?”
“Your entire territory has become a dead zone.”
Chapter 1096
“I’m sorry, what?” I stared at Prince Edward.
“It started about a week after we heard announcements of your death. We can still contact Deeksville, but we haven’t had any news from Chalm. The traveling guild portal was cut off. We’ve sent several envoys, but none have returned.”
“What about my girls?”
“Carmine is the only one I was aware of. She came to the Capitol. Before news of you got out, Mary had sent her on some kind of mission. You’ll have to ask her for the details.”
The ones who had remained in Chalm were Celeste, Elaya, Astria, and Xin. Well, Elaya, Xin, and Astria couldn’t leave even if they wanted to. As I thought about it, I started to get a sinking feeling. What had Astria done the last time she had grown upset? What would she do if I died? My connection to everything was severed. That included my dungeon. I had thought that Elaya, Xin, and Astria would have kept things under control, but what if they hadn’t.
As I considered the possibilities, I felt my heart clenching even more. “I need to get to Chalm immediately.”
“I thought you might say that.”
“You can wrap things up here?” I asked, hesitating.
The past me might have just run off to the city without a word. However, I had responsibilities, and I couldn’t just take off before things were settled here. If I did so, I would be wasting everyone’s time.
“I will negotiate Ost Republic’s surrender.” The general declared. “Take care of your home.”
“Deek, are you going to be okay?” Otto asked, looking a bit awkward. “Should I… um… and brother come to help.”
There was an expression on his face like he wanted to help. I wasn’t the only one who had changed these last few months. Otto had once been a selfish lad only concerned about himself. He had no clue what to expect in Chalm, but he was still willing to go, even though he knew that he wouldn’t be much help. He had only added Octius in there because he knew he didn’t have the strength.
“I’d be willing to come.”
“No, you won’t.” General Tibult spoke up. “Your duty is here on the border with me.”
“Ahhh… d-dad…” Octius blushed.
“I’ll go!” Octavia declared.
“You’re going back to our territories. Your mother must be lonely all alone. It’s about time one of us returns.” Octin ordered.
I smiled and patted Otto’s shoulder. He was a very short man, only coming up to my chest now that I had grown taller.
“It’s fine, this is something I have to do on my own. In the past, I was only building Chalm passively. I let them use my name and my power, but for the most part, I let them develop on their own. I realize now that I have a responsibility to these people. It’s time that I stepped up and truly became the lord that they call me.”
“Then, good look.” He patted my hand.
“Besides, I won’t be completely alone.” I patted my sword.
“M-master…” Alysia’s voice vibrated in the air.
“You’re going to have to tell me about that when you have time.” Prince Edward sighed. “In fact, we have a lot of important things to discuss. Once you’ve settled Chalm, please come to me.”
“Speaking of which, when is that?”
“Delayed.” He sighed, looking tired. “I won’t be setting a date until we talk.”
“I see… then I won’t take too long.”
I ended the conversation there, lifting my hand and forming a portal. I decided to make it on the outskirts of the city, around the area where we fought Lord Aberis for the first time. I assumed with my blessings, I could force past whatever prevented the Capital from going to Chalm. However, if there was something up, it wouldn’t be good to pop up in the middle of town.
I picked up the unconscious Xin, pulled Alysia into my body, and then entered the portal to see what happened to Chalm.
This is the end of Volume 13 for My Dungeon Life. The eBook is currently available for sale in my store, Amazon, and Smashwords.
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