My Dungeon Life: Rise of the Slave Harem - My Dungeon Life – Chapter 1100-1102
Chapter 1100
“Get him!” The lead girl cries out.
The three girls all attacked at once. They were all very fast, and the two on the sides went out and then in, making a pincer attack on me while the other attacked up the middle.
“I need answers. We’re not killing them. Just hurt them a little.” I cautioned Alysia.
I didn’t do anything fancy in response to these attacks. Instead, I just threw out my sword. The girls tried to dodge the swing. It was a massive, oversized sword with a long flat side. It had to be heavier than a Warhammer and just as clumsy. They knew first hand how sharp it was, but the sword could only cause physical damage, and these girls were immune. They would avoid the blade, but they weren’t afraid of it whatsoever. They would avoid the incoming blade any way they could.
However, they quickly found they were unable to. No matter how they moved, my blade seemed to continue to come at them. They each attempted to dodge differently, but my blade struck each of them. The girls flew back, unable to catch themselves as they tumbled on the ground. The strikes weren’t devastating. They were fast and were able to avoid 90% of the strike. However, it wasn’t my intention to kill them either.
However, they also had an unintended effect. As soon as the girls struck the ground, their clothing exploded into pieces.
“It hurts…”
“That blade…”
The three girls looked up to see the blade glowing slightly with a blue light. Blades like a soul-reaving blade or a malacrum blade could damage soul and mana creatures just as they could do physical damage. However, a normal blade could only damage the physical body, and the only way to damage mana creatures was to infuse the blade with magic or to use spells. This was a problem my group had faced when we first reconquered Chalm.
My first strike had been a physical strike, and these girls who were very skilled with mana and had bodies composed of mana were immune to such a strike. They were also sensitive to mana use, so they were certain I didn’t channel mana in that last attack. In other words, I used two attacks with the same blade, the first striking their physical body and the second striking their mana body. However, I hadn’t swapped out blades at all.
Of course, this was because I had Alysia, a sentient blade. She could cut through anything I wanted her to cut through, presuming it wasn’t powerful enough to resist. This left my targets very confused. However, that confusion quickly turned to embarrassment as they realized they were naked.
“Why their clothing though?” I asked, letting their insults roll off me.
“S-s-sorry! It wasn’t my intent!”
She was still learning. I kept asking her to do various feats, but it couldn’t be easy for a girl who had only become a sword not too long ago. I should keep it easy on her for a while.
That was a problem for another time. It was good that Alysia shattered their clothing because it had confirmed my guesses. They did have a mana body, and they were exceptionally skilled with mana. I knew this because it was pretty clear what they were. After the clothing had been destroyed, long butterfly-like wings were revealed on their backs.
Chapter 1101
Seeing three fairies acting like thugs definitely gave me a lot to think about. There were a group of fairies in Chalm, but fairies were a bit like bees. Other than the queen, they were drones. Not only were they under the control of the queen, but their intelligence was pretty lacking. They were effectively children. Even the fairy queen was only a bit smarter. Astria was different because of her life experiences as well as the lore she gained while she was a demon. As for Celeste, she was different because she was half-human, and had been transformed into a Sylph.
It seemed like any fairy had the potential to evolve into something else based on the pressure put on them. I had only found a single book about fairies, and I hadn’t understood what it meant until somewhat recently. Now that I knew about the Fey and the Faerie Plain, I knew that faeries were native to this world. Unlock many beasts and species, they weren’t from dungeons. This is why they could create fairy springs.
Faeries could also evolve into other beings. Celeste had become a Sylph, while Elaya was a Dark Fairy. They had both been Fairy Queens before they reached that point in their evolution. There were supposedly others, but I hadn’t obtained the names of any of them. For these three fairies to be intelligent enough to shake down a city, they would have had to go through some kind of evolution. That left me quite curious about them.
“He’s got a blade that can hurt us! Flee!”
I disappeared and then reappeared next to the first fairy, grabbing her as she called for the others to run. She let out a cry as I grabbed her and picked her up and examined her. Even though she was at a normal human size, I was over six feet tall. Man-handling her was rather simple. Her wings weren’t dark like Astria’s wings, nor where they were a translucent color that reflected colors like a bubble, which was the best way I knew how to describe Celeste’s wings.
These wings were more feather-like. The ends weren’t rounded but came out in plumes with long thin feelers. They were still pretty, but they looked somehow fragile comparatively.
“Ahhhn! D-don’t touch!” She cried out as I felt her wing.
“What are you doing to her!” The other fairies had shrunk to smaller sizes and flew up to avoid me, but they weren’t willing to run while I held the leader in my grasp.
“Bully!” The other added.
“We’re you mugging a town?” I asked, pulling out a knife.
“Ahhhh! Wh-what are you doing?” The leader cried out as I brought my knife up to her wing.
“Be calm. This won’t hurt.”
“N-No… Ahhhn… Not that… Ahhh…”
She twitched and squirmed as I held her body with one arm and moved the knife across her wings with the other. The other two shook in fear and worry. Thankfully, after being knocked back and realizing I could fight, these fairies could only yell.
“What are you doing?” One of them demanded.
“I am out of fairy dust,” I explained. “Fairy dust is actually something fairy wings release. It’s how fairies fly, and also how they turn springs into fairy springs. As you bathe in the water, the resin on your wings slowly mixes with it.”
“How do you know so much about us?” The other fairy demanded.
“Well, I have figured out some things. I don’t know everything. For example, I still don’t know how you guys reproduce. You’re all female, you don’t get pregnant, but once a fairy spring exists, more and more fairies just keep appearing. The other thing I don’t know is what type of fairy you guys are. I’m going to fix that now.”
I took the dust I had extracted from her wing and then slapped it against her body. I activated the combination skill god and devil eye. What was the god and devil eye? It was a combination skill. I had already used fairy dust to create a combination skill once. For whatever reason, you could only create a combination skill once per magic source. However, I had recently learned you could create combinations by using two different magic sources.
Lydia had unlocked god eye using her scout evil eye, but I no longer could borrow her skill, as she wasn’t a slave of mine anymore. So, instead, I took some miasma and fairy dust and combined it with Evil Eye. This created the new skill, God and Devil Eye. I guessed fairy dust as a pure source of mana was God, and Miasma, the enemy of this world, was Devil. How did it differ from God Eye?
“Ahhhhhhnnnn… hah… hah… hah… not there…” She cried out when I touched a certain spot on her wing.
“Her sexual weaknesses, this ability truly is that of a demon.”
Chapter 1102
The God and Devil eye gave me a complete look at the person. I gained a large degree of information about them. I thought God Eye told me a lot, but this told me much more.
“You’re Nymphs,” I observed the information that mattered the most to me at the moment.
“Let me go! Nom!” She bit my arm.
I sighed, letting her go. She turned into her smaller form and then flew up into the air.
“Idiot! You dare bully us? We’re going to go tell big boss and she’ll make sure you pay for what you did!”
All three fairies turned away and became streams of light as they flew out of the city. I briefly considered following them but decided it wasn’t necessary. I turned to talk to the man from earlier, only to find him already running desperately.
“Hey, I have some questions for you.”
“S-sorry! Thank you for saving me, but you better run! She’s not like the others! I’ll pray for you!” The man yelled, but he didn’t stop running.
I let him go as well. He had already suffered a bit for running before. I didn’t want to make things even more difficult for him. Instead, I accessed my dungeon jobs, and then pulled out Transformation. I then began to change my appearance.
“Master, what are you doing?” Alysia asked.
“I have a feeling I know who their boss is. I don’t want to reveal my appearance yet. If I did so, she’d likely just try to lie or hide what’s happened. I want to get to the bottom of everything. Plus…” I stopped as my face finished changing into that of a young Osterian, not looking much different from Nova.
“I need to see how she feels. From the moment I first came to this world, most of the women around me were turned into slaves. My skills, whether they were Charm Up, Slave Affinity, or more curved things heavily so that these women quickly grew attached to me. Those bonds have now all been severed. In the past, I was the one that tied us all together. Now that those bonds no longer exist, this is the only time I can see who these women are, and what I meant to them.”
Perhaps it was a cruel sentiment, but you never could truly tell who a person was until they thought no one was watching. When it came to Lydia, Miki, Celeste, Shao, or Terra, I would never doubt that they loved me. However, the same couldn’t necessarily be said about those that came from dungeons. Deception and evil were built into their bones. I needed to see the truth of things.
It didn’t take long for her to appear. She floated up over the town like a queen looking down on insects. Her eyes locked on me.
“So, you are the one that dares to molest my fairies.” Her voice boomed across the village.
Windows slammed shut and people fled to hiding places under the floorboards. If they didn’t realize there was something dangerous happening from before, they knew now. The only one that was calm was me. I glanced up at the woman overhead. She exuded darkness and malice, with black wings stretched out and fluttering.