My Dungeon Life: Rise of the Slave Harem - My Dungeon Life – Chapter 1151-1153
Chapter 1151
I tried the kick open the door one more time. It was more out of frustration than any hope it would open. So, imagine my surprise when the door gave way, and I found myself stumbling through. On the other side, I didn’t end up in the cabin where Elaya was crying over her dead brother. Instead, I ended up stumbling into a street.
It went from night to day, and there were tons of people walking around. This wasn’t a city I was familiar with. Whether it was architecture or clothing, they were in styles I didn’t recognize. They were all human though, so this had to be Aberis, right?
I looked back to where I had come from, but the door had closed and now standing behind me was a bar. A woman walking by glanced at me stumbling out of a bar, and sniffed. I guess she thought I was a drunk. I straightened, up, my lips tightening as I looked around the square. This dungeon was certainly getting on my nerves. The constant changes in perspective were driving me up a wall. However, I was also learning about things. I had my theories, but I needed to see more to know for certain.
The square was lined with various stages that attracted crowds. Each stage seemed to be dedicated to some form of entertainment, making the place seem extremely lively.
“No! Please!” I heard someone cry out.
This brought my eyes to a certain stage, where I immediately locked onto the Haid Hero once again. She was the same age as when she was in the cabin, but I could get a better look at her now. Her chest was filling out, and her body was reaching the age of adulthood.
As for why I described her body, it was because her face was obscured to me. For some reason, no matter how much I looked, I just could not make out what she looked like. I originally thought it was the window causing this, but now I realized that the dungeon, or perhaps Elaya, was hiding her appearance. Even when I thought back to when I had seen her as a kid, I found the details lost on me. This is why I had previously wondered if this was truly Elaya’s story.
I could tell that she was no longer in the maid outfit. She was in a slave outfit and chains. This appeared to be a slave auction. Her mother was a slave, and her brother was similarly marked as a slave, so it made sense she’d eventually end up a slave too. It was a wonder to me that she wasn’t made a slave shortly after she was born. Maybe there were Slave Guild rules that kept a person from being marked until a certain age.
I looked carefully around her neck to see that the magic had already been placed there. I had never known that Elaya was a slave sometime before she met me. After processing all of this, I realized that she was screaming and struggling, her eyes locked on another stage across from her. I followed her eyesight, and immediately let out a hiss. On a stage on the exact opposite side of the courtyard was another event, an execution.
There was a person who was having the rope put around his neck. This was someone I could make out. It was her brother. He not only survived killing his master but now he was being executed for it. I didn’t have any more time to react when they pulled the lever, and the man fell. The rope tightened with a snap.
Chapter 1152
Being hung in front of her, Elaya, or perhaps it’d be better to see her as Fifi, went ballistic. She screamed and struggled against her restraints. However, it sounded like her brother’s neck had snapped from the fall. He quickly grew immobile, and he was dead. The girl fell to the ground, crying. This enraged the Slave Master, who went to strike her. However, he realized he was in front of potential customers, and beating slaves might not be so good an idea.
Instead, he grabbed her and roughly threw her in the back. I walked up to the crowd, but I found myself unable to get closer. No matter where I moved, there was an impenetrable barrier of people. Even when I tried to shove through, I found a group of people who just didn’t move, nor acknowledge me. I began to realize this was another invisible wall, intending to keep me from getting any closer to the auction. Feeling frustrated again, I watched the rest of the slave auction.
Slave after slave was bid on, but when it came to Fifi’s turn, her previous display had caused her value to decrease significantly. The slave auctioneer had initially asked for an exorbitant price, but no one made a bid. He had to lower the price twice, each time growing increasingly red-faced as he found her going for far less than he expected. Well, I didn’t know where this was, but 500 gold was a lot to ask for a simple maid, so I understood people’s hesitation.
When the bidding finally reached 100 gold, an old man raised a bid. I also attempted to bid, but it seemed like I was ignored. Just like with the cabin or in the meadow, no one in the slave auction seemed to be able to see me just outside. It looked like this was another part of the story that was being kept away from me.
“Going once! Going twice! Sold!” The man declared, slamming a gavel.
I tried to get a look at the man who had bought Fifi, but he quickly stood up and moved out of my sight. I couldn’t see him from my vantage point in the back and only saw his back. Fifi was taken away, and I was left once again wondering what I should do. That was when a thought came to me. At this point, they had removed the body of Fifi’s brother from the rope. I left my place near the slave auction and followed the men as they carried the body away.
I followed them into a back ally, where they loaded his body onto a cart where several other bodies resided. I hid while they returned. I watched as they passed by. The men were mumbling about how much work they had to do or some such nonsense. Once they were out of sight, I walked up to the cart of bodies and grabbed Fifi’s brother, pulling him away. I found a cubbyhole in the same ally, and then I began the Resurrection spell.
I wouldn’t have been surprised if the spell failed. This dungeon was a dungeon on rails, showing me particular scene after particular scene before dragging me on to the next part of the story. I completed the spell without too many expectations.
So, I was a bit shocked when the man’s eyes snapped open and he let out a gasp. I had done it. I had succeeded in resurrecting Fifi’s brother. There was no way that this had happened historically. What would this mean for the continuation of this story?
Chapter 1153
“Wh-who are you?” He asked once he woke up.
At least it seemed like he could see me this time. I let out a breath and held out my hand, allowing him to stand back up. If I was able to resurrect him, then this guy wasn’t just some simple mob. A normal dungeon mob, when it died, would have been absorbed back into the dungeon. Only those with a karmic soul can be resurrected, and that only happens if the person has some distinctiveness from the dungeon.
A person created by a dungeon was like a world for the fae. They couldn’t be resurrected because their mana signature was too close to the world. One couldn’t find or extract them, making their deaths permanent. The same was presumably true with fairies, although Celeste and Astria were exceptions for obvious reasons.
Thus, if this man was created by this dungeon, it should be that he couldn’t be resurrected. This led me to three possibilities. First off, he could be some kind of special exception. Perhaps, I played right into the story, which would have him be resurrected at this point. Second, he was some kind of captured soul that was taken control of but not digested, thus making him distinctly separate from the dungeon. The third possibility was that he was originally a monster from another dungeon that was brought to this one.
I couldn’t guess right now which ability allowed me to resurrect him. I had honestly been expecting it to fail. However, he was alive now, and he was waiting on me to answer his question.
“I’m just a passerby.” I declared. “I saw the slave girl crying over you and I was curious to hear your story.”
“Fifi!” He immediately pushed past me, looking around the ally frantically. “Did you see where she went?”
“I did not. She was sold to an old man.”
“Damn!” He turned and punched the wall.
“She is your sister, correct?” I decided to clarify.
He turned to me, but his expression dropped. “So, you’re one of those collectors, huh? You also want me to violate my sister.”
“Why would I?” I asked incredulously.
“To pass on our genes. There is big money in slaves like us.” He made a face. “You’re all so dumb though. It doesn’t work that way. Family won’t… you’re all going to fail in the end. You killed my beloved for nothing.”
“Your beloved…” I blinked. “The woman you took off from the mansion to be with!”
He looked up at me, his eyes narrow. “I won’t become a tool for your slave trading. You should have just let me die. Then… no one could threaten her any more.”
“I’m sorry, but I’m still trying to understand things.” I took a step forward. “Can you explain it to me?”
He took a step back, suddenly growing wary. He started to shake his head.
“No… you’re just like the rest of them. You, humans, are the worst. I won’t be controlled by you!”
He turned and ran out of the ally. I cursed and tried to follow him, but when I hit the end of the ally, I struck another invisible wall. I watched the man run right out into the street.
“He’s still alive!”
“Get him!’
Two guards nearby immediately locked on to him. He turned and ran while the guards chased after him. I usually thought I had a good understanding of these dungeon lores. This one was seeming to explain itself more clearly than any other, but this one left me clueless.