My Dungeon Life: Rise of the Slave Harem - My Dungeon Life – Chapter 1181-1183
Chapter 1181
“My dungeon is evolving? What does that mean?” I asked out loud.
“Master, I think you should see this.”
Elaya had appeared in front of me and the rest of the girls. I nodded, and then she waved her hands, transporting us to another part of the dungeon. I didn’t know if this was part of the abilities from her job or if it had to do with some connection she still had with the dungeon. Either way, it was convenient to be able to instantly move to another part of the dungeon without the travel kiosk. Calypso was able to do such a thing, but I didn’t unlock whatever skill allowed such a thing yet.
When we appeared in a new spot, my mouth fell open. The dungeon looked extremely odd. This looked like the boss room, the final room that Xin used to inhabit, but there was something massive flowing through it. It reminded me of the wave of miasma that was flooding through the final stage of the dungeon upon reset, but it was floating above the ground, moving at a slow pace in a circle. Furthermore, while half of it was the murky black water, the other half glowed a peaceful white.
“This is… what am I looking at?” I didn’t want to guess, especially since I had several experts present.
“The dungeon that you created was never a true dungeon. After all, the lore you infused in it was at your direction. In a way, it was a pseudo dungeon, where you function as a core linked to it with a bond, not unlike a slave bond. You weren’t the dungeon’s master. Xin was. However, you were the core. The dungeon was linked to you in various ways we hadn’t even begun to figure out.”
“I thought it might be something like that.”
I had never thought of myself as the dungeon core, but since learning that souls were a kind of lore, it stood to reason that my soul was sustaining the existence of the dungeon. This was only confirmed when Faeyna regained the lore from her dungeon upon resolving the curse within her heart. I couldn’t guess how that will affect her in the future. We would need to be careful of it, as she may eventually become miasmically cursed.
I probably would have become infected with miasma too and eventually formed a miasma soul because of my own dungeon. Thankfully, I had so many resistances to such a thing that this had never become a problem for me. I understood that if someone else tried to form a dungeon like I did, they would probably eventually become trapped in it. It was good I had been ignorant to such things, or I may not have been willing to take so many risks.
“I don’t understand, what is going on with the mana?” Xin asked.
“This is the point I wanted Master to see the most,” Elaya responded, her eyes bright. “This is something I have never seen before. This dungeon has seemingly merged miasma and mana. Likely because of how Astria and I had split the fairy fountain, with me corrupting it and her injecting life force and mana into it, the dungeon somehow has developed a new property. It now contains properties of this world and others. In essence, it’s created unity with this world. A dungeon that is in balance with nature.”
“A god dungeon.” I breathed.
This seemed to become a recurring theme.
Chapter 1182
First, my soul ended up combining to form a yin-yang or god soul. Then, my sword ended up becoming a mixture of miasma and mana to become a god sword. Now, my dungeon followed the same course. Was it because of my soul that the things bonded to me were also starting to change? It probably wasn’t so simple, but at least it was consistent.
“What does this mean for the dungeon?” I asked Elaya as I considered what this would mean for our futures.
“It appears that the fairy spring and miasma spout have both been absorbed into the dungeon. It will no longer consume mana, but will constantly grow on its own like an independent world.”
“What are you saying? Are you suggesting we created a new world?” My eyes widened. “In time, will the dungeon separate from the Fairy Plane world?”
“I hadn’t considered such a thing.” Elaya bit her lip thoughtfully. “The possibility is there.”
“Do you mean like the Twilight dungeon?” Xin asked.
I nodded. “That’s what I was thinking. Except, when the twilight dungeon broke away from the Fairy Plane, the dungeon wasn’t self-sufficient. Over time, it slowly used up all of its mana until it inevitably popped. If my dungeon was able to generate its mana, then couldn’t it theoretically continue to grow until it became a world of its own?”
Was it possible that this was how worlds were created? I had always seen dungeons as a source of destruction, but perhaps they could also be a form of rebirth. Either way, such a thing couldn’t happen easily. The circumstances needed to cause a dungeon to evolve were extremely unlikely. Furthermore, to have the kind of growth where it ended up as its own world would probably take thousands if not millions of years. Even if it has started, I didn’t expect this to happen in my lifetime.
This led me to even stranger possibilities. It didn’t pass me by that the Faerie Plane was mentioned in earth lore. Fae’s, elves, dwarves, fairies, and various other creatures I’ve encountered all existed on this planet. I had originally thought that this was because of the video game-like nature of this world.
However, what if it was something else? What if Earth had once been connected to this world or vice versa. When I went to Earth, there was no notification that it was a dungeon, so maybe it was the original. At the very least, it was humans who seemed to be the first invaders and the most prevalent in the fairy plane. Was there a dungeon that once connected Earth and the Fairy Plane? Did it still exist?
“What can we expect in the future?” Alysia asked the question we were all thinking.
“I do not know,” Elaya admitted. “Such a thing… I didn’t even know it was possible. I believe that this gives our dungeon a chance for infinite expansion. We could probably make use of it on the surface.”
“What do you mean?” I asked.
“With access to a mana dungeon, then we can spread it out over the land, basically taking over the surface around Chalm. We’d be enriching it with vast amounts of mana and making the land extremely fertile…”
“We’d also gain governance over the land. We could make buildings and adjust landscape with a thought, and anyone who entered the city would be within my awareness.”
“As Master says…” Elaya smirked.
“That kind of power…” Alysia said uncertainly.
I shook my head. “I’m not willing to take away the citizen’s agency like that.”
“I mean no disrespect, Master, but the citizens have already lost their agency.” Elaya declared.
“My means of freeing the citizens was no different than yours. Since you are my master, then you have governance over everyone.” Xin added.
I closed my eyes. It was true. They were still technically under my karmic control. Every citizen in the city was my slave. No, it was worse than that. Slaves at least knew their place. It was like everyone in the city was a sleeper agent I could activate at any moment. After thinking about it briefly, I nodded to myself.”
“For now, the dungeon will grow through the mansion. Xin and Selena might not be connected to the dungeon, but they’ll still depend on the miasma to survive. The dungeon will need to be protected too. Let’s first rebuild this city, and then we’ll discuss the future. I need to find my girls too. I need their strength now more than ever.”
Miki should know of a way to free the citizens. I’ll start there.
Chapter 1183
“It feels lonely.” I muttered, a cup of hot tea in my hands.
The dungeon was still in the process of evolving. While we had some guesses as to how it would develop in the future, it wasn’t clear everything that would come from this change. I couldn’t even guess how long this evolution might take. The dungeon had been broken down and reformed several times recently, which likely led to this strange path. I would just have to wait and see what came next.
In the meantime, the town was finally reclaimed, and order started to be reestablished. Most people didn’t remember what had happened to them the last couple of months. The Mayor and the Guild master stepped in, explaining things in terms that the people could handle. This seemed to cause a surge of respect for me. After I had died, it had been a shock to the city, but now that I had come back and seemingly saved them, my fame had only grown. I didn’t feel like I deserved it, since I had been partially responsible for it, but that was how it was.
I didn’t like thinking about my death, but I needed to come up with some precautions so such a thing didn’t happen again. Admittedly, the instigating event was one that I couldn’t have expected, but I still needed to be mindful of what happened to everyone when I was gone. I did not want to see everything fall apart without me again. The next thing I had to do was find the girls.
I had seen a glimpse of Raissa, but I still didn’t know where she went. Lydia was somewhere in the North. Shao was on Earth. I thought about going to get her, but any trip there would take nearly a week. I needed to make sure things here were settled first before I made such a journey. Terra and Garnet had gone down to the deep. I just had to trust that they could complete what they started and return. Celeste was currently out looking for Miki. I had hoped they would be back already. I could feel that she wasn’t too far away, but something was holding her up.
I could only take care of one thing at a time, so I had to decide what was important. Right now, there was something I had to take care of. It was something I had been putting off far too long. Although the girls had all made agreements in these situations, they would understand that some exceptions needed to be made.
I lifted and drank the rest of my tea, and then I rang a small bell on my table. A few moments later, the door opened and a prim and proper woman entered my room. She was wearing her maid outfit that meshed well with her beauty and charm.
“Master, do you need something?” Faeyna asked, her large chest out, her back straight, the perfect and proper maid.
“Faeyna.” I took a breath and looked away. “There is still something we must discuss.”
“Mm… you see, after everything that happened, the situation between us has changed. That’s why…” I looked back at her with determination. “I would like you to be my slave ag-ahhh! Where are your clothes?”
Faeyna’s clothing were gone and she was standing in my room naked. “Ehh? You weren’t asking if we should have sex?”
I looked away with a blush. “I-I was building up to it… I was going to first make you my slave again… and then… I was going to ask for a bath… and then… where did you go!”
She was no longer standing when I looked back up. I looked around only to see her lying in my bed with her legs spread. “Master, stop procrastinating! If you’ve already decided, then get inside me!”
“Y-yes, ma’am!”
Well, if she was determined, then I wouldn’t need to remain polite.