My Dungeon Life: Rise of the Slave Harem - My Dungeon Life – Chapter 1292-1294
Chapter 1292
“You’re going, alone?” Shao asked.
A few days had passed since I had returned with Shao, and just about everyone but me had remained busy. I tried to get involved, but it seemed that others were handling it. Siti was working on building the traveling guild. Elaya was tending to the dungeon. Xin had taken over soldier training in Lydia’s absence. Faeyna was busy training the new maids. Astria was managing the new fairy spring, which would be in the courtyard of what would one day be a castle. Within castle walls was arguably the safest place to have such a thing anyway.
Celeste was training the newly evolved fairies. Originally, the fairies around my fairy spring had been of the common variety. They were dumb things. As long as a queen or superior was present, they worked on autopilot, sort of like bee drones. When pulled out of a fairy colony, they gained enough free will to be house pets, but they were rarely much better than a commodity.
That had changed when Astria had started pumping them full of mana. The fairies had evolved, and as they evolved, so did their intelligence. Each day, they were growing more obstinate and less willing to listen to anything Astria told them. Like Celeste, they were freeing themselves from the hive. That could lead to a lot of trouble, especially since they lived around humans. So, Celeste had taken it upon herself to properly train them. It felt a bit like the blind leading the blind, but Astria was more interested in protecting the fairy spring than worrying about a bunch of rogue fairies.
Then, there was Miki, who had seemingly started helping the foxkin settle in. I still didn’t know how I felt about them. I worried that they might be once again taking advantage of Miki’s goodwill. It seemed that she was still suffering from guilt over the people she had killed and tortured during her time as lady death. She was trying to use the foxkin as some kind of redemption. I didn’t think it was healthy, but I also knew that she needed some time and I couldn’t force her. That had only been a week or two ago.
Even Shao had decided to focus on her demon abilities. She worked her way through the dungeon. This was helping Elaya calibrate the difficulty and try out some of the new lore, but it was also helping Shao gain better control of her dark powers and her demon lord form. She had finally unlocked the job Assassin, something she was quite excited about. I knew she had been jealous of Raissa having that job for some time.
Thus, it seemed like everyone had become busy except for me. All I was doing was waiting for the girls to get back. I didn’t want to move on Alerith until I had Terra and Lydia back. At the very least, I needed Terra so we could start using her printer. Garnet’s blacksmithing wouldn’t hurt either. So, with some time to kill, I decided another journey was in order.
“I’m not planning on going far,” I explained. “My soul world is always accessible to you girls. You can stop by any time. Furthermore, we can speak with Slave Communication. Elaya showed you how to ding me if you need me to open the channel?”
“Y-yes… she did.” Shao coughed. “It’s just… you leaving alone, I don’t like it.”
“Especially if you’re going there.” Miki nodded in agreement.
“It’ll be fine.”
“That’s exactly the thing Master always says when things don’t go fine!” Celeste cried.
“Master needs to stop raising flags.” Shao declared.
“What’s the worst-”
“If you say ‘what’s the worst that will happen, I’ll bite you!” Miki growled.
It seemed like the girls had been paying too close attention to my clichéd lines. They no longer worked.
Chapter 1293
“Just promise us you’ll give us warning before you do anything dangerous.” Shao demanded.
“Don’t take any risks.” Miki agreed.
“And no more women!” Shao added.
“What? Honestly…”
“No… she’s got a good point!” Miki shot an accusing look.
“It was Lydia’s fault. She kept going on about how the more women Master had, the more we should be happy, but it got out of hand!” Shao declared.
I held up my hands helplessly. “I can’t control…”
“No women!” Both girls cried out, looking up at me with tear-filled eyes.
“N-n-no women.” I agreed.
“I don’t get it, but I love Master!” Celeste threw her arms around all three of us and hugged.
“Ahh! Her boobs!”
“Are they bigger?”
“How can that be?”
“I-it’s the evolution! My boobs are bigger in demon lord form too! Lucky, permanent evolution!”
“H-hey! All I got was my hair turned black! Why didn’t my chest grow?”
“A seed can’t grow without a proper foundation…” Shao chuckled.
“Do you want to die?”
“Try it, ghost girl!”
“I could suck out your soul!”
“Not if I stabbed your back.”
I sighed as I held the two girls away from each other. I had never noticed it before, Lydia had been the balance that kept the harem together. She smoothed out people’s issues and kept the women from fighting in front of me excessively. Without her, that was why the girls went about their own tasks. I also hadn’t had a group session… ahem… not that I was saying I wanted to have all three at once! However, the offer was no longer on the table like it was when Lydia was around.
Maybe that was why my trip plan was a return to Dioshin. I had some hopes that maybe Lord Duran had located Lydia. I reckoned that she had most likely gone to Dioshin. That wasn’t the only reason I was traveling there. The other reason was to cash in on the agreement I made with Lord Duran. Lord Duran had agreed to take me to the border of Dioshin and Jespain. Once I was there, I could skip Dioshin altogether and visit Jespain.
I had never been to Jespain, but I had been told that it was industrialized compared to the lands in the east. They worked on magical tools, and their levels of magic enchantment were many times farther than anyone to the east. One could say that the Demon Lord Aberis’s attack on the subsequent conquering of Osteria had caused our countries to fall behind a few hundred years. Jespain had been spared these wars thanks to the impassible jungles of Dioshin.
Although my original intent on going there had been to learn the secrets of inventory rings and create our own, I had also expanded my plans considerably. They also might be able to help us advance our building of golems. Although if there was any true reason I wanted to go to Jespain, it was because I had heard the rumor that had ships that could fly. That was right, Jespain was the land of airships!
Chapter 1294
The girls finally calmed down and I gave them each a kiss. It really wasn’t like I was going far, or intended to risk my life. What was the worst that could… ah… yeah… maybe I needed to stop putting up such a flag.
With a farewell, I opened a portal and stepped into an alleyway located in the wolfkin city. I immediately felt the expected increase in humidity and heat. Walking out into the town, I used my Transformation skill to give myself the appearance of a wolfkin. Unfortunately, I couldn’t replicate the smell of a wolfkin yet, but I did my best to wrap myself in the air and keep my smells from leaking out. It was a trick I had learned from Celeste, and I wasn’t very good at it.
The last time I had been in the wolfkin tribe capital, the place had been very empty and depressed. Death hung in the air, and people were fearful for their lives. Only a week or so later, and the atmosphere had changed from muted to rather boisterous. People were excitedly selling their wares and talking excitedly. As I passed by, I heard various conversations of interest.
“Yeah, the king defeated Lady Death with his mighty blade. He freed all the souls of the dead.”
“You know, I was in the army that hunted down Lady Death. Of course, we didn’t run into her, but if we did… I would have shown her who’s the alpha wolf!”
“My dad’s soul was lost, but he came back. Glory to King Roth!”
It seemed like the story going around was that it was the king of Dioshin that had slain Lady Death and freed everyone. I didn’t know how I felt about him taking credit for my work. I was a bit worried that Lord Duran believed these words too. If that was the case, would he even be willing to fulfill his part of the bargain? If he did reject me, then I was going to head there on my own. I’d just make sure to use transformation and move quickly. Such a journey would take months though unless I made use of my double jumping. Such a rapid movement skill would be noticed though and may get me into all kinds of trouble.
The one nice thing was that I wouldn’t have to do it all at once. I could travel all day, then portal home, and then portal where I left off in the morning, and do it again, just like when I worked my way down a dungeon.
I was thinking about such things so I didn’t notice when an older wolfwoman stepped in front of me and pointed a finger in my face. “You! You don’t belong here!”
Had I been sniffed out? I managed to hide the shock on my face pretty well.
“What do you mean?” I asked.
“Naturally, you’re a blasphemer! You must give yourself over to God!”
I looked around and took a breath of relief. I had been walking by the local chapter of the church. This woman was calling me out. My eyes immediately caught on to her large chest and went flat.
“You’re not… the church or big breasts… are you?” I asked.
Her face turned red, and she turned her chest away from me. “How dare you? You would speak of such sacrilege at the Church of the Father?”
“The father… no chests?”
She frowned. “What is your obsession with chests? Clearly, you need religion.”
“No! I’m sorry… I don’t care about chests.”
“Good.” The woman nodded. “Our church doesn’t care about such trivial things. All women are welcome here…”
“I see…” I felt a little teary-eyed finally encountering a real church; it wasn’t some ridiculous church.
“As long as they have junk in the trunk.”
“Behold! The church of the big butts!” She turned around and flashed her nice round posterior.
“I-it’s a lie…”
“As it was written, big butts cannot lie. Look upon your brothers, for they cannot deny…”*
I gave up. Religion in this world was doomed.
*So sayeth Saint Mix-a-lot
Is there a skip here or is rescuing Shao in the bonus volume?
It’s in the bonus volume