My Dungeon Life: Rise of the Slave Harem - My Dungeon Life – Chapter 1331-1333
Chapter 1331
I didn’t feel good about the reasoning behind getting my new job. What did it mean by seducing? All I had done was give candy to a child to bribe them into a lifetime of servitude. Okay, you know what? Seducing is fine. I’ll take it.
Since it didn’t give her a name, that meant that if I named her, she’d be more powerful. Before I did that, I knew I’d need to tame her further. I realized that even taming a monster came in levels. Tamed monsters weren’t like slaves. They didn’t have to listen to you, and they could act defiantly or in their best interest. However, when it came between slavery, which was forced compliance and taming… I knew which one didn’t weigh on my heart as heavily.
That’s not to say I didn’t force many people into slavery, but that was usually done at their request. They gave up their freedom in exchange for the power it gave them. For some, it was done with a desire to be closer and more intimate, while for others it was done to be given a chance at being saved. Either way, I didn’t think I’d ever enslave a person I truly believe was against it. I wasn’t that bad.
As for this girl here, it was hard to say. I brought out a few more candy bars and continued to try to get some more information out of her.
“The mana in this room is a bit lower than I was expecting. Do you know a place that has more mana?”
She nodded, but then a second later she shook her head, a bit of fear appearing on her face.
“You know a place, but it’s scary and you don’t want to go?”
After a moment of hesitation, she guiltily nodded.
I had realized once subduing her and her goblins that this boss room didn’t reach the level I had been hoping for. Would this make her closer to a mini-boss, a level boss? Her strength was like a trapdoor spider. She entrenched her horde into a small place and waited for something to wander in. The horde pounced, and then she quickly consumed it. It turned out she was quite a bit weaker than I had originally feared, but that didn’t mean that she wasn’t useful. I could train her up, and with her ability to control the undead, I still felt that she would make a good boss.
“I understand. I know you don’t want to go there, but I must do so. It is my intention on using that source to create a dungeon.” I explained.
Her face flashed in panic, and she shook her head. I went to further explain that this was non-negotiable, but she then grabbed my hand. I followed where she tugged, feeling only a little awkward as she pulled me through the crowd of undead. After the battle was over, I gave her back her zombies, but I noticed now that all of them had a blue tinge in their eyes as if my control had someone merged with hers. I felt like I could control them through her, that is to say, I could make them do things without asking her first.
“Where’s she taking us?” Alysia asked curiously.
“I don’t know,” I admitted.
We only went to the back of the boss’ room, where another door opened into a small closet space. Looking at the sheets on the ground, I realized that this small room was her bedroom. She slept in here while her zombies stood ever vigilant outside. There was even a stuffed animal, but it was so old and decayed it was impossible to tell what it once was.
As I was surveying the filthy room, she pointed up. I raised my eyes and was surprised by what I saw.
“It’s a mural.” Alysia declared.
Chapter 1332
Most safe rooms were large enough for ten to twenty people, but this room was much smaller. However, I noticed an area that might have once been a transportation array too. This was one of a dungeon’s safe rooms. That means the room behind me had indeed been a boss room. That would mean that this entire place was once a dungeon.
This wasn’t the dungeon known as the Deep. This was a dungeon that formed after the Deep died. It was created within the corpse of the Deep, much like Maid’s Lament grew from my dungeon, and my dungeon was recreated from Maid’s Lament. This would have been a much small dungeon, perhaps only lasting twenty years or so.
The mural had decayed heavily, not unlike Terra’s Dungeon had thanks to the lack of mana. I could only make a single image. The image was of a little girl she was standing next to a man with a crown on his head. The king was holding her hand, the pair of them smiling. The king had a beard and was otherwise quite short. That was when I started to put two and two together.
“This dungeon… was formed after the fall of the Deep Dwarves,” I explained.
The girl nodded.
“You’re a Deep Dwarf, or you’re once a Deep Dwarf. Your father was the king of the Deep Dwarves?”
After another moment of hesitation, she nodded again.
“Was this the home of the Deep Dwarves?”
She shook her head as a no.
“Where is it?”
She looked like she was trying hard to remember, and after a moment she pointed down.
“Deeper…” I sighed. “So… what… this was the place of a great battle?”
She opened her mouth, closed it, and then wiggled her hand. It told me kind of.
“They… were running… and something caught them and this is where they fell trying to escape.”
She winced, but then she nodded.
“Your father… was he the dungeon master for this place?”
She nodded again. I ended up learning quite a bit just with this. It didn’t do much more than confirm a lot of what I already knew. The Deep Dwarves encountered something and fled. It looked like a large batch of them was caught here where they died. The rest made it to the surface, where they didn’t have a good time of it either. They were scattered, rejected, and enslaved. They exploited those they could for their blacksmithy knowledge, and the rest died out. It was to the point where this was only the second deep dwarf I had ever seen, and she was already dead!
If it was her father who was in charge, she seemed afraid of him. It was hard to predict the mind of a product of a former dungeon. It was even harder after the dungeon was gone and they were on their own. They ended up developing their own life independent of the lore that once constrained them. I wasn’t sure when the dungeon collapsed.
I only had one more question for her. “Have you seen any more of these murals? Do you know where they are?”
She seemed surprised by the question, but she did nod.
“Can you take me there?”
Chapter 1333
Thankfully, the zombie queen was more willing to take me to the location of the other murals than the boss room that contained her father. It seemed like her territory was on the outskirts of his territory, although given the desiccated and broken state of the dungeon, it was difficult to tell what form this dungeon took. It was all sort of just mixed into the great Labyrinth that was the Deep.
I was afraid that I’d have to travel with a hundred zombies trailing behind, but the zombie queen seemed to trust me after I gave it candy. No, wasn’t that too trusting? Well, I wasn’t complaining that this was all easier. She grabbed my hand, and I followed her down the paths. She moved faster than I had on my own, confident in the path she was going.
Whether it was her aura as a boss or her ability to control the undead, we seemed to be mostly left alone as we walked from one corridor to the next. The corridors all took on a similar aesthetic, which I guessed was the aesthetic of the original dungeon. It seemed to be a series of eloquent and well-lit hallways. Perhaps it was taken after the castle of the Deep King. Well, they were underground, so I wasn’t sure if the castle was the right name. It might just be a few corridors and fancy rooms apart from the rest of the Deep.
After about an hour of walking, she introduced me to the second safe room. It was a similar size to the first. There had been something living in it, but it had scattered before we arrived there. The zombie queen’s ability to intimidate other monsters was very useful. I rather wished I had that same ability. I wondered if I worked on leveling Necromancer, I’d eventually get such an ability.
This mural had a bit more of it intact. It showed dwarves fighting something, although that something appeared to be black. They were black forms, almost reflections. Were they shadows? Something in the darkness… that’s what her video had claimed. Also, someone had once returned from an expedition talking about the darkness. Just what had they found down there.
I checked the transportation relay, which was more intact than the last one, but I found it couldn’t be activated or registered at all. We left that room and continued. For the rest of the day, I let her take me around. We ended up visiting four murals. By the end, she ended up having me carry her while she pointed out each way. I had also gone through almost half my supply of candy. If I kept using this to bribe her, I’d have to come up with an alternative source of candy or start cutting things down significantly.
One mural was destroyed to where I wasn’t able to make out anything, but the other three painted a picture. There was a mural of a happy and prosperous Kingdom. Then there were shadows and running and screaming. The last image seemed to be the king holding back the darkness while his daughter ran.
If I was making a guess, I’d say that the unfinished story came from the daughter who tried to flee the darkness. Her father never knew if she had made it, leaving his story incomplete and unsatisfied. Little did he realize she hadn’t made it, or maybe she had, and this was only a clone of her. Either way, if I wanted to resolve this dungeon curse, united the daughter and her father might do it. However, that dungeon curse was already dead, and the lore is broken. There was nothing to cure, no blessing to be had.
All that was left was the remnants of hate and fear left over from the king as he made his last stand. It was him I would have to destroy to begin my dungeon.
Quote “… It was to the point where this was only the second deep dwarf I had ever seen…”the third, not the second