My Dungeon Life: Rise of the Slave Harem - My Dungeon Life – Chapter 1367-1369
Chapter 1367
“Are you able to summon your soul?” Twilight asked.
She was looking at me like she had before I left, seemingly completely unaware of the conversation I had just shared with Gaia and Terra. By using a slave bond with Terra, I had somehow allowed Gaia an entrance into my soul world. When I summoned my soul world here and Twilight attempted to invade it, that was when things were going to get messy.
I had faith in Terra, and with the feeling of her soul connecting to mine, there was no doubt that she was my Terra. Thus, I had nothing left to do other than begin the process. With the bell ringing, the 7th day had started. The dwarf king could ignite my soul at any second, so there was no time to waste. He hadn’t said what point on the 7th day he would ignite it, he just said that I had seven days.
I slammed my hands together, my body glowing from the numerous blessings sketched all over my body. I adjusted my jobs and skills accordingly, amplifying my resistance to miasma and darkness, and then I equipped the Soulsmith job. As Twilight had stated, the job immediately unlocked the first skill.
{You have unlocked the spell, Soul Summon.}
I began to cast the spell. Like Resurrection, it was a spell that seemed to take on a lot of mana. Rather, it was probably because of my soul’s distance and the fact it was in someone else’s clutches that made it difficult to summon. The first part of the spell seemed easy. This was the part where I located my soul and then attached mana-like wires to it, which would be used to pull it to my body. However, as soon as I started pulling, that was when it got difficult.
I could feel a sharp pain that was reminiscent of the pain I felt while I was refining Alysia’s soul in the Illusory Sword Dungeon. This was soul pain, caused only when you were directly damaging your soul. I also felt resistance, a force pulling back against my soul, trying to keep it from being lost.
“GGhhhh… it’s not moving!” I growled. “I’m going to damage my soul like this.”
“You have to keep going. If he wins, he will destroy your soul! Surely, a little damage is a better alternative.” Twilight encouraged, looking just a bit worried. “Your soul belongs to your body. In a way, you have a home advantage. Your soul longs to be in its proper place. You can defeat him!”
Even with Soul Summon, it turned out that this wasn’t that easy. He was a powerful king who was able to defeat me with ease. Now, I was trying to steal my soul right out from under him, and he was very aware I was doing it. It felt extremely painful, and there were also those inside my soul world to worry about. What would happen if my soul ripped while Pait, Dav, and Alysia were still in my soul world?
“Ahhhhhh!” I screamed as I tried to pull harder and harder, but King Diorite wasn’t willing to give up.
“You must pull harder! There is no time! If you fail, he’ll ignite your soul!” Twilight shouted.
My only thought was that I’d need to get him to let go. In his mind, if my soul was swallowed, it’d just be more food for the darkness. He didn’t know about my plan. I did the only thing I could think of. I reached out to Alysia. I used mana, and the connection I had with my soul as I played tug-a-war across a vast difference.
“Alysia… you have to tell him. Tell him… to let go. I know what I’m doing. He just needs to… trust me.” I sent such a strangled message.
I didn’t know if the message reached him, but I felt my own summon starting to fail. In the end, he was even too strong here.
“I need your soul!” Twilight snarled. “With it, I can finally free myself from this prison!”
At that moment, my soul suddenly stopped facing pressure. It was like when someone was playing tug-a-war, and one side let go. My soul flew into me so quickly that I was knocked to my knees. As my soul returned, Twilight began laughing.
“Finally… your soul is mine!”
Chapter 1368
I coughed, trying to regain my breath after the shock of my soul flying back. I immediately reached for Alysia, Pait, and the others, only to find them absent from within my soul world. The implication was clear. King Diorite would allow me to have my soul, but if I had somehow lied or failed him, then they would pay the price. Alysia, in particular, also was a god soul. She could likely be used to ignite his weapon as well. It might not have the same punch, but if you through in Pait and Dav, who was to say.
Twilight’s words and sudden change in demeanor upon me pulling my soul across the void were alarming. “What are you saying?”
“I have to say, I wasn’t confident in you being able to succeed. Even if you just destroyed your soul in the process, it would have kept him from using that weapon, but such an outcome would have made me sad. The real reason I wanted you to bring your soul was for a different matter.”
“You want a god soul.” I guessed.
She chuckled. “So, you do understand a bit. I’m sorry that I had to lie to you, but I’ve needed a god soul, a soul that has merged miasma with the mana of this world. Once I touch your soul and unify with it, we’ll be able to pass Gaia’s barrier, and finally free ourselves from this prison.”
“Gaia’s barrier? Not King Diorite?”
“Did you think a single measly king or a haphazard dungeon could stop me? I was imprisoned within Gaia’s world for untold eons. It was King Diorite who helped me escape from that prison. I began to merge with him, but then halfway through he had second thoughts. I tried to motivate him to finish what we started, but then he turned against me and fled with his people. He chopped his soul in two, abandoning his darkness to cut me off from the light. That is his sin.”
“Then, what is the point of the barrier?”
“I’ve already begun to break free from Gaia. That can’t be stopped. It might be another thousand years without him, but I will escape in time. The barrier works as a patch to keep that from happening. However, the patch grows weaker every day, and when it’s gone, I will slowly break out and rise to the surface. At least, that was until you arrived.”
“I’ll speed up the process. You wanted me to come…” I predicted.
She gave a nod. “Making sure that message reached you safely was difficult, but after absorbing the soul of that dwarf child and reading her mind, I knew I had to get you down here. The other one was too difficult, but she served her purpose in sending it. I still had to deactivate her to keep her from causing more trouble. Her soul has been… difficult to deal with, but in time I will absorb her like all of the others.”
“Terra… Garnet…” I showed her a deliberate look of shock.
I knew what she was trying to do. She was trying to mentally throw me off. She was going to attack my soul, and it was always better when the person was confused and uncertain, just like how that mad scientist took control of Miki while she was vulnerable.
“When you arrived without your soul, it was truly heartbreaking, but it has all worked for the best. Now that your soul is here, I can unify with you, and escape my prison. I no longer have to be trapped down here. It’s time to begin!”
Chapter 1369
“Wait just a moment. What about your promise of living out my life?” I demanded, even though I had never bought into her promises.
I didn’t know what I was procrastinating for. With my soul out of King Diorite’s grip, we probably had a bit of safety. Of course, he could still ignite his weapon at any moment, but he had to at least give me a bit of time, right?
“You will become my new avatar, as the Twilight Princess was before she was broken in half by Gaia’s Champion and her light stolen from me. Do not worry, I won’t allow you to escape me as Diorite did. Only when our souls are unified completely will I make my move. I’m sorry I misled you before. You will not be allowed to live your life in harmony… but I will find a place for all of those important to you, and they will live in happiness and peace. As for you, you will have a glory that will last the ages!”
“I never agreed to this…”
“You won’t have a choice!” She snapped. “Now, unify with me, and we will become one!”
As she said this, she ripped open her dress, and her clothing fell to the floor, revealing her naked body.
I stared at her slender, naked body. She had pale skin, dark, hair, and red eyes. In a lot of ways, she looked a bit like Shao, although her chest was a bit larger. It was clear that the demons took after her in appearance, or maybe the Twilight Princess was a demon? She didn’t appear to have any horns, but in this illusory world, appearances could be deceiving. I shook my head. That wasn’t the thing to be thinking about right now. Why was she naked?
“How did you think our unity would be achieved?” She asked, stepping forward. “You don’t need to worry. I will make your final experience extremely enjoyable.”
“Uhhh… this was not the direction I was expecting this to go.” I took a step back, only for my legs to hit something and fall back.
I realized I had fallen back onto a bed. I looked behind and then in front, and the entire room had changed. We were now in my bedroom, where I had shared my bed without countless women. Twilight stepped toward me, her hips swaying seductively as she reached the foot of the bed. She lifted her hand and snapped her finger, and the clothing that offered me protection evaporated like smoke. I desperately tried to cover myself with my sheets.
“You should be pleased. This body is desirable, and also a virgin’s body.” She declared.
“H-how can that be?” I coughed awkwardly. “Wouldn’t you have needed to do this with King Diorite?”
She made a face. “No, I didn’t use such a method then. Our method was slow and methodical. By doing this, our souls will touch, and only then will I be able to unify with you completely. Our souls will merge, and we will become one being.”
“Wait, you’re not destroying me?” I blinked.
She stopped for a moment. “That is Gaia’s motif. I’ve already told you, Deek. I am not the bad guy. I don’t want to destroy you; I want to unify with you. Our souls will become one, your mind will be my mind, and my mind will be yours. You will know all that I know, and I will know all of you. I’m not talking about using you, I’m talking about merging our bodies and souls, to live together in each other’s embrace for eternity. This is why you can trust that I will keep your women safe, because I will be you, and every decision we make from now on, we will make together.”
Instinctively, I wanted to resist, but Gaia didn’t interrupt. Was she not going to do anything until the point we… unified? She looked down as my member started to harden. I had to do what I had to do.