My Dungeon Life: Rise of the Slave Harem - My Dungeon Life – Chapter 1409-1411
Chapter 1409
{White Mage has increased to level 67.}
I let out a breath of relief as I was able to reattach my limbs. I wasn’t sure if I could grow back limbs or not, but since the squirrel had abandoned the limbs after tearing them off of me one after another, they were still around to recollect. We had very cautiously made our way in, sending Alysia to go get them. Since she was my sword, I could recall her to my hand at a moments warning, and then we could duck back into our safe spawn among the traps. I had also accessed my dungeon and redesigned the hallway with a greater focus on cold and ice-based traps. Any fire monster would be doused trying to make it through that hallway.
Once we had all the limbs back, I had first reattached Terra’s limb, which was considerably easier to do as she was a golem. There were methods to do it that didn’t involve anything but her own innate abilities, although I found both Repair and Heal both would heal her injuries too. Then, it was the part I wasn’t confident I could do. When my hand started to twitch, I felt a great deal of relief.
My legs and arms burned for a few ours as the nerves reattached, but with Regeneration reinforced with Regen and my healing, it was only a matter of time before I was up again. During that time, another curious squirrel had ended up down in the trap, but it was quickly dispatched thanks to the better trap allocation. Feeling a bit more confident in my plans, I finally released the monster attractant, although I used a very small amount of it.
As soon as it was lit, we fled back to my dungeon, remaining at a safe point. We had also decided to replace the fall onto spikes which I now new wouldn’t work with a fall into a pit of something similar to liquid nitrogen. It was thicker that liquid nitrogen, but was insanely cold. It was the opposite of magma. We added slick stuff to the walls of the pit so the squirrels couldn’t cling onto them either. Basically, at the last bit of the hallway, it suddenly arced down and got slippery. A few dozen squirrels came in, and a few dozen squirrels were dispatched.
That’s when another enemy appeared. At first, I didn’t even know what it was. It looked like magma that was just rolling across the ground. It took me a while to realize it as some kind of magma slime. I hadn’t considered encountering such a slime. It plopped down into the hallway trap and then started moving forward. It hit the first trap, and then the second. It took about a minute for the traps to magically reset, but no matter how many squirrels came at once, they were usually were all gone by the third. However, this enemy went right passed the third and continued on.
It moved forward at a slow pace, constantly sludging forward a few inches at a time. As it clearly the hallway, I was seriously starting to sweat. When it slid down the ramp and then fell into the pit, their was a small eruption as the magma struck the cold. For a moment, I thought the magma was going to keep coming. Once it reached the plant, I didn’t know what we were going to do about it. However, after boiling for a few minutes, a blackened ash thing came floating to the surface. The magma slime had finally perished.
I let out a breath of relief. Before I could say anything though, the plant immediately grabbed the slime and then consumed it. At that moment, it started to glow, and I felt a sudden burst of mana.
{Your tamed monster, Carnivorous Plant has evolved into an Ember Vine.}
Chapter 1410
Once the Carnivorous Plant had become an Ember Vine, it took on red appearance and seemed completely resistant to heat. The vine started to move down the corridor, filling up our hallway of traps. Since it wasn’t an enemy, it didn’t ignore the cold or ice traps, so it only had to avoid the ice pit we had created. It was as if the Ember Vine was being drawn to the heat of the dungeon above. I was worried it was going to enter the other dungeon, but its growth seemed to stop just as it reached the entrance.
A squirrel fell down the hole, but it didn’t even reach the ground before a vine snapped out and grabbed it. It screeched and fought, but it couldn’t cause any fire damage, and even as it shredded the vine, more grabbed it. It only struggled for a few moments before it was consumed. As the group of us watched the Ember Vine, we couldn’t help but gulp.
I hadn’t expected it to evolve. It seemed like the diet I had given it had shaped its direction of evolution too. If I had to fight the Ember Vine instead of the carnivorous plant, I was pretty sure I would have been dead.
A slime dropped in, but it didn’t even make it to the first trap before it was torn apart. Each monster was immediately consumed, and that mana was pumped into my dungeon. Well, technically, it was pumped into the Ember Vine, but the Ember Vine was spreading its roots through the dungeon, and was giving off energy. I could feel the labyrinth growing stronger with each passing second.
Once I was sure the perpetual harvesting machine I built was working well, I left that part of the dungeon and started some other tasks.
I used Terra’s help to relocate the flow of a spring bringing it right through the center of the dungeon. This spring was none other than a primordial waters of life spring. It was no feeding our dungeon directly. I also took the Cyclops with me and then went and subjugated two more bosses. Whether it was getting easier or we had picked the harder bosses to start with, these two were captured rather. easily.
One of them was a three headed bear with a high physical output, and the other was a Blood Spirit, which was just a red-colored spirt that seemed to concentrate on spiritual attacks. I placed them down in strategic positions as well, and then made sure the mana from their territories was feeding into our dungeon.
When I had only one day left, that’s when I began to create mobs. Mobs could theoretically be made instantaneously, but these guys were a bit special. I was outfitting them with the armor and weapons being constructed by the deep dwarves. To save on silvthril material, Gabbro came up with a silvthril edged sword. Since it was just the edge, it’d still damage dungeon monsters considerably, but could be handled safely by dungeon monsters and used only a small fraction of silvthril compared to a sword made out of it entirely.
My army consisted of skeleton creatures. That just happened to be the lore I had the most confidence in. I supposed I could have made ghosts to face ghosts, but something told me it was better to stick to the undead. After all, in the Twilight Dungeon, it was the undead who were battling the demons. Each skeleton was outfitted with dwarven steel armor and a silvthril tipped sword. It was such a finally produced army, it made me slightly tearful that they’d be wasted on such a task.
The final day came. Twilight would have finished with King Diorite, and she’d be on her way any moment. Just as I considered that, there was a boom.
{A rival dungeon master has entered your dungeon and declared war. Push them back to protect your dungeon.}
Chapter 1411
“They’re here!” I cried out, although I really didn’t need to say anything.
The way I had constructed the dungeon, it was shaped like a cone, with the bottom of the cone being where the barrier had been and ultimately where Twilight’s forces would be coming in. Each subsequent level heading up was wider and contained a greater defense. Since I was a Dungeon Master, I had awareness of everything that was going on in the dungeon. I was able to replicate a trick that Elaya used to use, and with the wave of my hand, I created an image of the entrance.
The entrance to my dungeon had been breached, and it was no a portal connecting to Twilight. This wasn’t the Infernal Hell Dungeon, but the lifestream herself had directly connected to my dungeon just like a dungeon. She wasn’t the dungeon master that had invaded my territory either. That job went to her new avatar, King Diorite. Seeing him again had shocked me for a moment, but then I realized that this was always what was going to happen. He was now completely under her control, and she would use him like a doll to attack us.
I sent a wave of skeletons down to meet the wraiths. Then, I grabbed Alysia and stood up, heading for the safe room’s teleportation array.
“Master, what are you doing?” Alysia asked worriedly.
“If we can’t stop King Diorite, we can’t stop Twilight’s advance,” I responded.
“Master, we’re not that much stronger. All of your leveling has been in Blacksmith!”
I lowered my head. “I know. He was able to defeat me before, and now he is likely even stronger. The only advantage I may have is that he’d be more susceptible to silvthril now that he is taken over by the dungeon lore. Still, we have to attempt it.
“Master, I’m coming.” Terra walked up to me.
“Terra, I need you just in case…”
“I’m Master’s guardian! I am your shield. I’m going.”
I opened my mouth and then closed it. She was right. I would have died to that squirrel if she hadn’t saved my life. I might need her again.
“Where are we going to fight him?” Alysia asked worriedly.
I’m having our forces redirect him to the first boss room. This is the room where we will battle him.”
“Which boss will he fight?” Terra asked.
“Bosses…” I responded. “The Raging Cyclops, the Apeman, and the Blood Spirit are all in that room. Two physical and one spiritual attacker. If I could move the Ember Vine without weakening the entire dungeon, I’d have him there too, but this is the best I can do.”
“That’s over half our forces…” Alysia, having been a general, could see the risk.
“Everything depends on stopping them there.” I reiterated. “If we can’t defeat King Diorite, then Twilight’s victory is assured!”
The three of us teleported down to the large stage I had built to battle King Diorite. I had tried to select an area that would be more advantageous to the bosses and less advantageous to King Diorite. This was going to decide how this all ended.
I waited as the fight continued, most of the skeletons being wiped out. I claimed and recovered the armor and weapons when I could, and used mana to create new skeletons. Eventually, King Diorite reached the first boss room. It was time for round two.