My Dungeon Life: Rise of the Slave Harem - My Dungeon Life – Chapter 1514-1516
Chapter 1514
I shook my head. “I still don’t understand. She was dying…”
The man named Dirage made a sour expression. “Yes, I was in the process of converting her soul into a karmic soul. This is a dangerous process, one that most people who attempt it fail. She insisted on taking the risk though.”
Lydia blushed as she glanced at me. “I didn’t want Master to leave me behind. Since Master has a god soul, then I needed to work hard to deserve to stay by Master.”
“Lydia…” I reached out, and her hand gently took mine.
“To learn the techniques, I wanted to teach her, she had to have a god soul. I was careful though. I cut her soul so that her dark half didn’t have any memory of you. First off, attachments would have distracted her and led to weaknesses. This increased her chance. Besides, if it failed, only half of her soul would have died, but the half that contained her relationship with you would have survived. She’d never fight again, but your woman would have still existed in some form.”
“I see…” My hand tightened on Lydia’s as he described just how dangerous what he had done had been. “But why did she almost die.”
“Because of you.” He sniffed. “You attempted to interfere with her miasma. However, when you attempted to use your mana to probe her soul, something happened that I didn’t expect. Her soul recognized your mana. No, it’s more accurate to say her soul was inescapably drawn to you. It caused her to fall into complete disorder!”
“You could have warned me.”
He shrugged. “I was curious about this so-called Master she kept speaking about. Of course, she wasn’t in danger. I could have fixed her problem on my own, but I was curious to see what you would do. In reality, you did surprise me. This conversion process was supposed to take another month, yet you had catalyzed a nearly perfect karmic conversion. Her light soul was able to combine with her dark soul remarkably easily, and once her light side remembered her dark side encountering you, I could barely get her to rest a day before she marched over here to be with you. It’s rather irritating.”
“Sensei, he was in trouble! I told you I had a bad feeling.”
He waved his hand dismissively. “And as I said, this will end the agreement between us. I am no longer your Sensei, and we do not we each other anything else. I will not raise a hand to protect you, no matter what. As for following the way of the spear, you are on your own from now on.”
“Spear?” I blinked when I noticed that she was holding onto a rather fine-looking spear. “What happened to find a swordmaster?”
“Lydia is far more suited for a spear!” Dirage growled. “To think you’d waste her talent with a sword. I took the pleasure of decoupling her sword lore and supplanting it with spearmanship lore.”
“What? You can do that?” I blinked.
He rolled his eyes. “You are new to this, huh? You will learn all kinds of things in time, well, if you survive. I’ll tell you what, if you survive this, come see me in Dirage Great Labyrinth before the next dungeon council meeting. I have a few things I’ll share with you.”
With that, he shimmered away. I could feel he left the dungeon completely. He didn’t even use Portal, and he didn’t have a blessing that allowed him to cross-dimensional barriers. He was a mystery.
“Enough! Stop wasting my time!” The lioness queen was getting agitated over being ignored and pointed her sword at Lydia. “It seems like you belong to this man too! It doesn’t matter if there is one more of you. You’ll still all die! Prepare yourself!”
“I will!” Lydia pulled her hand away and picked up her spear. “I’ll do my best to protect my Master…. Oh! Time out!”
“T-time out?” The lioness was once again shocked as Lydia turned her back on her.
“Just one second!” Lydia shot the other woman a look before turning to me. “Master… there is something I want from you! I’m not complete. Can you… take me?”
I smiled, reaching out with my hand and grabbing the end of her spear which was still close enough for me to grab. “You bet your butt I will.”
I pulled the spear, and Lydia let out a girlish cry as she fell into my grasp and I planted a kiss on her. At the same time, I began Enslavement, claiming her soul as mine.
Chapter 1515
Lydia licked her lips. “Mmm… Masters kisses have gotten better.”
“Mm!” She smiled and then finally turned to survey the situation.
Her eyes seemed to take in the entire battlefield in a single glance before she looked at First. “So, you’re the one who hurt Master?”
“Little girl, you’ve come far too late.” First responded mockingly. “The rest of his harem has already failed. They are all miserably losers as undeserving of a Master as the Master is of them. I will gladly claim them all for King Roth, and they can learn what it’s like to have a real Master.
“Hey!” Faeyna shot back.
“We’re not failures!” Shao complained.
“Yes, you are.” The voice that came out was Lydia’s, causing all of the girls to jerk with shock.
Her original smile slipped off her face, and a stern look suddenly appeared. Lydia looked at each other girls.
“L-lydia… we’ve all been through a lot…” Miki tried to explain. “We’re a lot stronger…”
“You may have learned a few new tricks, but how are any of your stronger?” Lydia asked, her voice cutting through all protest. “The reason I allowed him to cut my soul, even though I knew how long it might take, was that I believed the rest of you would be there to protect Master. You say that you love him…”
“I do love him!” Terra cried out.
“We all do, girl,” Elaya added.
“Then why is he the one on the ground missing an arm?” Lydia shouted. “Why is he the one who almost died?”
Elaya blinked, seemingly taken aback.
“Lydia, we tried…” Shao began.
“Did you? Did any of you try?” Lydia gave them all a stern look, her catlike eyes seeming to pierce through all of them. “As soon as Master suffered trouble in the Ost Republic, you all immediately took off. You all got into trouble, and it was Master who had to bail you out, correct?”
Her words immediately struck every girl’s heart. They had all been a mess thinking they had lost Deek, and even the ones who didn’t truly believe he was gone still had stood by and done nothing.
“Lydia… it’s fine…” I started to say.
“No, Master, it’s not!” Lydia snapped, and as she looked back for a moment, I saw tears running down her face. “You’ve all grown complacent! You’ve grown so used to Master always fixing things, that you’ve come to expect it. That’s why you’ve been acting so flippant. There was a time each one of you would have been ground to paste rather than see a single hair perturbed on Master’s head, yet here you all are, pretending you tried your best, while Master was the one giving everything. He granted you his power, not just by being your Master, by loving you, but also through sacrifice. He’s the one that supported you and healed you, and you all took advantage of that.”
“I-I gave up my body!” Terra protested.
“And did you ever think for a second you’d lose your life?” Lydia demanded. “Or did you assume Master would eventually fix everything? Can any of the rest of you say you’ve risked anything?”
As Lydia’s predatory gaze met Terra’s eyes, she finally looked away. Lydia met every eye there, and every girl looked down, shame painting across their faces. Elaya, Astria, Bernice, Terra, Celeste, Miki, and even Selena could no longer raise their eyes.
First clapped her hands. “Wonderful… your looks truly please me.”
“You shut up! I’ll deal with you in a minute!” Lydia declared, causing First to once again have a small indignant fit as she was disregarded again. “You all have a choice. A man had come wanting to take you all away from Master. This is the time you can show what you have. This is the moment you need to give it all. If you’ve ever cared about Master, then you must live every moment for him!”
There was a long pause of silence.
“F-for him…” Miki was shaking, an expression of rage on her face. “I didn’t do everything I could. I held back. I almost let him die. I won’t… I won’t do it again!”
Her eyes started to darken, and a strange miasma started to flow from her body. It gave off a feeling of death. The grass all around her feet darkened to brown, creating a circle of death around her. Her tails began to light up, creating a rainbow cacophony behind her.
Shao’s eyes seemed to contain fervent insanity. “What would I do without Master? Despair!”
Her fingernails turned to claws, horns came out the top of her head, and a tail came out the back. Her body took on a dark, demonic appearance.
“Master.” The air started to swirl around Celeste.
Her body started to fade, becoming one with the wind, a moving cyclone of death.
Each woman suddenly began to glow with their respective power. The atmosphere seemed to change, and the women who had just been battling them glanced at each other, flummoxed by the sudden dangerous pressure they were feeling.
“Th-they’re becoming monsters!” One woman cried out.
“Well, except that golem. She was already a monster,” said another.
If Terra’s current form had tear ducts, she would have wept.
Chapter 1516
“What are you waiting for?” The lioness had finally reached the end of her patience. “Attack them!”
The fighting which had slowed to nothing suddenly surged back up again, but rather than being overwhelmed, my girls fought extremely viciously, summoning all of their power. I didn’t have anything left to heal them or protect them. I was currently pulling from the dungeon to repair myself, but that wouldn’t reattach my arm or repair the damage to my soul, at least, not in the short term. I had already sucked all of the life out of my soul world just to heal enough to keep me up.
Perhaps, I needed to put more life into my soul world, thus giving me a reserve of life to pull from in desperate times. I considered this, but it wasn’t something that was going to help me at the moment. Currently, I didn’t even know what contained a lot of life versus a little. A mammal had a bigger soul and more life than an insect, but that wouldn’t help me at that moment. Thus, I could only watch as my girls fought for the first time without any of my support.
The last two to meet were Lydia and First, who walked in a circle around each other three times as if probing each other for weaknesses. It was only after about a minute that First gave a snort and then launched an attack at Lydia. She met the attack and then delivered one of her own. Her spear came out in an attack, and a spark of lightning shot out. First had to pull back as the lightning struck her blade.
“Did she learn lightning too?” I didn’t realize I had asked out loud until Celeste responded with Slave Communication.
“No, master. Lydia never learned magic, remember? The lightning is appearing because her strikes are ionizing the local atmosphere. In short, her attacks are so swift, that she’s causing lightning to form!”
As their battle grew, these sparks and shocks grew as well, making the display of their fighting a lighted show. Both women were incredibly fast and deadly. First used a sword built like a dao blade. Lydia’s spear met every attack, no matter how swift. They seemed to dance around each other, spinning and dodging. Lydia knew quite a bit of dance, and her fighting style was every bit as elegant, causing the scene to feel almost breathtaking if it wasn’t so dangerous.
“First!” One of the lionesses cried as Shao managed to get a hit on her, using two shadow doubles to fool them and give her room to strike.
First’s attention flickered for just a second, but it was enough. Lydia managed a strike, causing the other woman to jump back to avoid further injury. She just managed to get back, but then she felt her stomach, which had nearly been cut open by Lydia’s blade.
First gave Lydia an ugly look. “I’ll admit, you’re stronger than I expected, but that doesn’t mean that you’re anything. King Roth is the only true harem master.”
“It sounds to me like you’re very desperate to believe that.” Lydia shrugged. “Are you having doubts?”
“Doubts!” First nearly spat the word. “I would never doubt my lord! He will live forever, and he will grant all of us immortality by his side!”
“I don’t care about that,” Lydia responded.
“You don’t care about being by your master’s side for eternity? That is the ultimate dream of every harem!”
“You misunderstand… every moment I am by Master’s side, it is an eternity of happiness. I don’t know if I’ll be by his side for eternity, because I am already satisfied by every second I can be with him! Master is my everything!”
First didn’t have an answer, so she instead let out a roar and attacked once again like she had something to prove.