My Dungeon Life: Rise of the Slave Harem - My Dungeon Life – Chapter 2526-2528
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Hoping Richard fails hard and gets his soul shredded kinda tired of him.
There is a ‘I was bullied and the bully banged my Mom’ vibe in the air I don’t like
I actually don’t blame Richard in this case it is Deek’s fault he is to in his feelings and thinking he knows everything. He literally is always talking about how there are no heroes and villians in stories just two sides either choosing to not understand each other or truly misunderstanding each other. Then he goes onto not explain anything to his sister and cousin because he believes that his version of there story is the true one and not trying to understand there side. He’s like oh they bullied me and made fun of me in the old world and now they joined my bully and are probably his girlfriends and even when they mentioned they were looking for Deek he goes what if I am him and then instead of trying to prove it just goes well I did tell them they didn’t believe it. Knowing nobodies going to initially believe someone who has been nothing but sarcastic and antagonistic to them since they met and I mean first met when he came back to earth for Shao.