Rise of the Midnight King - Rise of the Midnight King – Chapter 37
“You’re okay?” Bao bi stared at Ying Yue, a small frown on his face.
The men who had attacked Bao bi had said that it was too late and they already got the woman. He immediately ran to Ying Yue, but she was fine. Did the man lie to him just to mess with his mind? Bao bi wasn’t certain.
“Eh… Eh? Eh!” Ying Yue grew more flustered and shocked as Bao bi not only peeked on her doing such an embarrassing thing but then he started glaring at her, looking far too intent.
Was this the kind of boy that Bao bi was? If it was what he wanted, then should Ying Yue oblige him? This was far beyond anything she was mentally ready for, but she did like him and she wanted him to like her as well. As her cheeks turned a bright red, she slowly reached down, not sure if she was going to cover up or show Bao bi more.
While she was having such ridiculous thoughts, Bao bi barely noticed, his mind still racing. Those men had said that they got his… woman! They didn’t say girl, they said woman!
“Mom and Liao An!” He shouted.
“Geh!” Ying Yue froze, but she didn’t have time to say anything else.
Bao bi turned around and fled the bathroom. “Go back to the palace, immediately!”
He gave such as order as he disappeared, leaving a half-naked Ying Yue still completely confused. Bao bi began to race to his house. Although the woman should have been his mother, he found that the majority of his worry was for Liao An. Despite her age, Bao bi struggled to see her as a little girl. She had always been a woman in his heart, and he wouldn’t even be against furthering their relationship. He realized at that moment that he did have feelings for her. She was more than just a friend.
He kept trying to tell himself that Liao An was strong and capable and that there was no way that even such powerful cultivators would have been able to stop her. However, every time he thought that his hand seemed to clench just a bit more. When he finally arrived at the mansion, he could see that the door was busted in, and his heart ended up in his throat and he raced in, disregarding the potential danger of a trap.
He immediately could see the dead. He had never associated himself too closely with the servants, but these were still people he recognized. There were guards he had greeted on the way to and from the mansion. Some servants had brought him a meal or did his laundry. He could see their bloody faces and their vacant eyes. However, he couldn’t even feel sad for them, as his mind was caught on his mother and Liao An. He first ran up the stairs, following the line of bodies.
However, after shoving open every door, he didn’t find his mother or Liao An. Maybe they didn’t come home? Maybe this happened before they reached the house, and they fled to safety after? Even though he had such thoughts, they didn’t make him feel much better. He returned downstairs, feeling defeated. It was at that point he noticed a foot sticking out from behind an overturned couch. He instantly recognized the size of that foot.
As he leaped over the couch, he could barely breathe. His eyes landed on the unconscious Liao An, and he felt for a second like his world was destroyed. Reaching out desperately, he touched her neck. She was still warm, but he couldn’t feel her breathing. In reality, he was just too panicked to feel the shallow breathing. Tears began to fall down his face.
“Liao An, no, Liao An!” He grabbed her, lifting her body to him. “No… No… Liao An! Please… Liao An! I love you! Don’t do this.”
Just as he thought to start CPR on her, her eyes popped open. She looked at him, her expression giving nothing away. Excitement exploded through Bao bi, as well as relief. Unable to contain himself, he cried out in joy and kissed her. His lips pressed against Liao An.
However, he quickly realized that something was off. He had once kissed Liao An before. When he had done so, she had reacted in an extremely sultry manner. She was a really good kisser and gave as good as she got. Now, Liao An didn’t reciprocate at all. Her lips were cold and unwelcoming. Just as Bao bi realized something was off, a palm struck him in the chest. He flew off of Liao An and slammed into a wall. He hit it with enough force that he coughed up blood.
As he collapsed to the ground, the woman stood up, shooting a glare at him. “You dare violate my body! I will kill you!”
“L-liao An?” Bao bi asked, confused.
“Die, you beast!” She moved so quickly that Bao bi couldn’t even see her before she appeared right in front of him.
He felt an impossible chill settle over his body as she threw out a hand. For some reason, Bao bi had an intense feeling of danger, like if that hand struck him, he would die instantly. He went to dodge it, but he found his body was incapable of moving. He was locked down, his body unable to move as the hand seemed to come toward him in slow motion. Just before it reached his neck, it stopped short. Liao An made a face, cocking her head.
“Wh-what?” Bao bi asked.
“I know that!” she snapped. “Will you quick sobbing and begging me? It’s unbecoming of a disciple.”
Bao bi blinked. “Um… okay.”
He reached up and wiped his cheeks, still a bit confused.
She looked away from him. “He kissed me. How can I suffer such humiliation? He’s profaned a goddess like me. Death is the only solution.”
“Liao An?”
She grew flushed. “E-even if you say that, that’s a long time off yet! I-I need to be mentally prepared… before we… do… that…”
Her cold expression suddenly turned extremely cute. Her face grew red and she pushed her fingers together.
“I-I’m a virgin, after all. I’ve never been with a man. So… when I’m ready…”
Bao bi stiffened. He had finally realized his mistake. Liao An had just had a life and death trauma. Just as he realized he loved her when he thought of her being hurt, she likely had her revelations while she lied on that floor. She was only a younger girl, and he had suddenly come on far too strongly. He even confessed his love to her. Why wouldn’t an innocent girl like Liao An grow distraught over such a thing?
He immediately fell into a bow. “I’m very sorry!”
He didn’t hear a response for a long time. When he finally looked up, Liao An’s expression had returned to a cold, appraising look. She had her hand on her chin and was looking him up and down like she might an item she wanted in the market.
“Bao bi, is it?”
“Liao An?”
“You will never touch me again, understood.” She spoke in a cold voice. “Not without my permission.”
He stood straight. “Y-yes, ma’am.”
“Fine, then I will allow this slight to pass.” Liao An shrugged. “Do you know what happened here?”
“Someone attacked the house and took my mother?”
Bao bi wasn’t too foolish. After seeing Liao An here and unconscious, and not finding his mother, combined with the men saying they already got the woman, it was clear that they were after his mother.
“Good. Do you know who did it?”
Bao bi frowned, but after a moment he remembered an incident where the Xaoi members were taking exception with his mother. That had been such a long time ago, he had mostly forgotten about it. Since he was joining the selection, he had thought he would be safe, but that wasn’t the case at all. The men who had attacked him had planned to force him to fail the selection. He was set up!
So, their aim wasn’t him at all. There were still men who were coveting his mother. Since his father was gone, they kidnapped her. If Bao bi failed the selection, then it wouldn’t matter if they had her. They’d be able to do whatever they wanted to her. This was more or less what Bao bi had managed to put together on the spot.
“It was the Xaoi sect.” Bao bi responded sharply, he turned to the door, but after one step, Liao An appeared in front of him again, blocking his path. “I’m going to go get her back.”
“You lost your mother today because you don’t have the strength. They wouldn’t have taken her from you if they didn’t think they had the power to do so, and if you had enough power, they never would have been able to lay a finger on her head.” Liao An responded. “Right now, you are simply too weak to save your mother.”
Bao bi made a face. “I don’t need strength. I’ll just tell the Xiao sect what happened. I have to try! I will do the best I can to bring her back… and… they’ll be punished for hurting you as well.”
Liao An blinked and then shook her head. “The only thing that matters is power. You either have the power to get your way, or you don’t. Do you think those men care about the rules? They went against the rules of the Xaoi sect to target a recruit and his mother. They won’t even suffer consequences, because they have power, and you do not. Only once you have the strength will the Xaoi sect even acknowledge a misdeed. This is the nature of the world, of every world.”
“This world… I’m getting real tired of this world’s nature.” Bao bi’s eyes darkened, and for a moment Liao An was startled by such a look.
This boy was supposedly only ten, but those eyes displayed an expression rich with experience and age. It was filled with anger, but also a certain degree of sadness. It was best that he came to these realizations and accepted them earlier. If anything, having his mother kidnapped was a good thing in her mind. It was a perfect motivation to encourage him to develop. She decided it was best to strike while the iron was hot.
“You will be my disciple from now on.” Liao An declared. “I will take it upon myself to train you personally. Your days of taking it easy are over!”
“Huh?” Bao bi blinked.
“Be grateful!” She sniffed. “This goddess will train you in everything she knows. “I will grant you the power to not only take back your mother but exact vengeance on all of those who have wronged you.”
“I don’t care about revenge. I just want her back and you safe.”
“If you don’t take proper vengeance, they’ll only take advantage again and again.” Liao An warned.
Bao bi wasn’t sure about this. He knew about the idea of cycles of violence. Unless he was defending his own life, or they were somehow evil, he wasn’t willing to just harm anyone who threatened him. Over the years, he had lightened up on his scruples quite a bit. He had killed those men who had meant him harm swiftly and brutally. He felt this was the best way.
However, they were loose cultivators and assassins. Meanwhile, the Xaoi sect was a powerful force, and the people within it had a level of hierarchy. If Bao bi took an inch more than what he needed to get what he wanted back, wouldn’t he just arise the anger of an even larger enemy? Even if he could take care of that enemy, he’d only encounter another enemy.
It’d become a never-ending cycle of violence. His entire life would be an endless loop of getting revenge, inciting a more powerful enemy, and then having to become increasingly powerful to defeat the next one. That wasn’t the kind of laidback lifestyle that Bao bi envisioned for himself. In fact, he couldn’t even imagine someone who would want to live a life like that or fantasize about such a pitiful life.
He knew enough not to say such a thing to the current Liao An. She must have experienced some kind of trauma in this room after being attacked. It was clear that she had changed. Liao An was always tough, but she also had an aloof attitude, as if nothing in this world mattered. She was calm and gentle, sweet and even a bit flirtatious.
Suddenly, she had become as cold as ice. Her expression was filled with seriousness, and there was a razor-sharp edge to her. All of the sweet seduction was gone and replaced with intense darkness. Considering how she reacted when he had kissed her, Bao bi came to a realization. Something horrible must have happened when they took his mom. She must have been molested. Tears began to form in Bao bi’s eyes.
When Liao An noticed this, she made a revulted face. She had thought him adult-like in disposition, but as tears welled in his eyes, she remembered once again this was a child of only ten. She had never been around children and didn’t even know what to do with one.
“What is it?” She curled her lips in disgust.
“I’m sorry!” He reached out and threw arms around her, squeezing her tightly. “I should have been there. It’s my fault.”
“He dares… touch me again.” Her body shook. “Now you’re grabbing me. You’ve grown bold over these years.”
“S-sorry!” Bao bi had been overcome with emotion and had made another foolish mistake.
You don’t hug a woman who had just been a victim of assault! He mentally berated himself for being an idiot. However, Liao An barely even noticed.
“It’s not like… another woman can’t touch me, but not a man.” She suddenly looked awkward and shy again.
Bao bi’s eyes turned to pinpricks. Was Liao An a lesbian after all? He had been sure his affections were shared by her, but now he wasn’t so sure. Her constantly swinging mood left him dizzy.
“Liao An…”
“Relax, I will not hurt him. If my resolve was so thin, I would never have reached my current level. However, a punishment should be in order. The boy must be put in his place.” Liao An muttered. “Wh-what are you saying? Wh-when the time comes… no touching… e-e-except those areas. Why are you looking at me like that? A disciple shouldn’t look at her master with such pitying eyes! At least, I’m not a whore like you!”
It was clear that Liao An was very broken up. She must be in shock since her words barely made sense. She had some extreme demons to work out mentally after her assault. Bao bi affirmed in his mind that he would take responsibility, giving her the time she needed. He felt anger, frustration, and loss that she had to suffer so much. If it was this bad for her, he worried about his mother. She was an older woman and would take it in stride, not like the vulnerable young Liao An.
As she still muttered to herself about something, Bai bi took a deep breath, and then dropped to his knees, his head hitting the floor. “I’m sorry!”
This was enough of an action to get Liao An’s attention, who looked at him appraisingly with hawk-like eyes. “Bao bi?”
“I will get stronger!” Bao bi declared. “However, I won’t do it for revenge. I will do it for you!”
Liao An took a step back, her eyes widening. “What are you saying?”
“I will become strong enough to protect you one day! I won’t allow any other man to touch you, and I will keep you safe. I swear it. I will train hard. So please, teach me now, so that one day I can be the one to put my life on the line for you!”
Liao An stared at him, seemingly frozen in place. Finally, an irritated expression appeared on her face.
“I said you could touch me, but if you don’t stop elbowing me and winking, I’ll break your arm off!” She snarled.
“Liao An?”
She turned back to Bao bi, a smug expression on her face. “You think you can protect me? The distance between you and I is between the heavens and an earthworm.”
Bao bi wasn’t turned off by her sudden change in speaking. Women who were victims of sexual assault sometimes needed to prop themselves up emotionally to deal with the pain. Calling herself a goddess and acting all high and mighty was her way of coping. However, it was more than that. He also knew that she was right. She had always whipped his ass in battle. When he grew stronger, she only pulled out more moves. It was clear she was always above him, and he had a feeling that she was far stronger than her cultivation suggested.
If she had been hurt today, it was because she was young and inexperienced, not because she didn’t have the skills. She was someone who would reach heights he couldn’t imagine, and if he wanted to be by her side and not be outdistanced, then he’d need to work that much harder.
“I don’t care,” he finally responded. “I will become stronger. I will save my mother, and then I will protect you. I swear it.”
Up until now, he had always been extremely laid back. He had thought his progress in cultivation would come naturally, and that he didn’t have to worry about anything. Today, seeing his mansion destroyed, seeing his mother gone, seeing the girl he loved mentally devastated… he finally grew an ounce of ambition. He would start to apply himself and he would grow until he was stronger than this girl before him.
A small smile reached her lips. It wasn’t the sultry smile that she used to have. However, it was something just as beautiful. A feeling of contentment that made her come off like an ethereal beauty.
“Good, then from today forward, I will be your master, and you will walk this road with me until the end.”
“I will!”
He never would have guessed just how long that road would be.