World of Women - World of Women – V5 – Chapter 18
I hadn’t seen Mia in some time. Since we were teenagers, she had wanted to experience adventure. For me, the day of WRATH had been one of the most brutal and painful days of my life. To Mia, it introduced her to the rush and excitement of living a dangerous life. When she met Lilith, she didn’t hesitate to go off. Lilith was powerful, but a bit absent-minded, and she did need someone to take care of her. She was the type to forget to eat something until she passed out. It was anyone’s wonder how she had made it so long without someone like Mia.
Her mom had been a small-town business owner who owned a small grocery chain, and she had dreaded that kind of mundane life. When she met me, she had been hoping I’d bring excitement into her life, but the truth was, I didn’t want much adventure either. In the end, I had even promoted her going with Lilith, abandoning her kid to be raised by my family. In truth, I had been thinking it was a phase, and I had hoped she’d get it out of her system and come home, but such a thing never happened. Her child group up with many aunts, but her mother was mostly absent except for an occasional visit.
Mia and Lilith traveled on an airship piloted by Captain Angela. As far as women went, Angela was also a bit of an adventurer, although it was more accurate to just call her a scoundrel. She was an unscrupulous woman who wouldn’t hesitate to steal, murder, or cheat to get what she wanted. That’s why I paid her a decent amount of money to protect and shepherd Lilith and Mia around. I paid her in three-year contracts, and as luck would have it, that was how often Mia and Lilith showed up in Valiant.
For someone like me, money wasn’t an obstacle anymore. I could easily make millions just by selling some of my seed. Of course, I never did that anymore. More often, I exchanged my seed for favors instead. Having one of my children was no longer something that could be purchased with money, which only made it that much more valuable to the women of this world.
Either way, I did have a means of contacting them, and right before we began our journey, I had sent them a message to meet me in the country of Zoskar. This was where the final demon castle was recently unearthed. Did Jenji already know the location? I hadn’t told Mia or the rest why we needed to meet in Zeskar, just that I wanted them to be there, but did she capture them and figure it out?
“No…” I shook my head.
That couldn’t be it. The vision put the demon castle in Stoana. That might seem random, but it meant that she was trying to locate the castle still. Worst of all, she was trying to use me to pinpoint its location. Perhaps, she thought that I’d reveal something in my dreams by showing Mia and Lilith being trapped. I took a few breaths and calmed myself down. I couldn’t contact them right now and risk exposing myself. Once we reached Zoskar, we’d need to move quickly before Jenji figured it out.
“What was that, Boss?” Brianna asked.
“Uh, nothing,” I responded. “Just talking to myself.”
I didn’t understand Jenji’s powers properly, so I had to be careful. I couldn’t reveal any holes for now. I had to continue to act like I was just doing a tour. I had just been randomly listening to Kemala at the time, but it turned out her choice had been the best one.
“We’re almost at the top. We got to get off at the same time.” Brianna continued speaking.
I focused on the world around me. We were in a ski lift which was currently heading toward a small outpost at the top of the mountain. Both Brianna and I were in bright, thick clothing that kept us warm. I had been a bit surprised that skiing existed in this world too, but apparently, it was quite popular in this region. Kemala was too used to the warm regions and was unwilling to come out with us, so it had ended up being me, Brianna, Syph, Lexy, and Raven decided to come as well. She didn’t seem the type at all.
After arriving in Stoana to the same fanfare as Guare, I made use of the double again and slipped away. We ended up in an exclusive ski resort. The world was covered in snow and it was quite a beautiful place at the foot of a mountain range. We had our giant wood cabin. It was three stories with dozens of bedrooms. There was no made staff this time, but that was fine with me. After what happened in Guare, I was happy to be around fewer people. The less lived with us, the less likely they would be to get hurt.
Of course, I still had my supernatural guard, but she didn’t come up the mountain with us. She was too busy ghost-proofing the mansion where we’d be staying the night or something. Either way, there was no reason to think I’d be attacked up here, but crazy fans or otherwise. The snow made it so bright there wasn’t even a shadow in sight.
“Alright, off you go!”
Syph and the ski instructor had been in the seat ahead of us and they helped me get off alongside Brianna. I had gotten off fine. Before we left, the instructor had drilled me on how to ski, and even though I had never done it before, even in my previous life, I still managed to get the hang of it quickly. Brianna was another story. In her attempt to get off, she took a tumble and ended up face-first in the snow. Her butt was up in the air in a somewhat suggestive position.
“Pew… opfft…” She sputtered as she tried to pull herself up while spitting out snow. “Help!”
“You’re helpless.” Syph sighed as she helped Brianna up.
“Are you doing alright, Clyburn?” The ski instructor asked, acting like I had fallen too as she held onto me tightly.
“I-I’m fine,” I responded awkwardly.
I had only met this woman this morning. She had a large double-D-sized chest, a long blonde hair tied up into pigtails. Her outfit covered all of her body except for her cleavage, which was noticeably visible. She had given me hands-on training, and there was an emphasis on the hands-on. The entire time, her hands had been roaming around my body, correcting my posture and guiding my movements. It was for this reason that I learned so quickly.
“This slut… Syph, Brianna, do your job!” Lexy snapped as she got off the chairlift with Raven.
“Huh, what?” Brianna only just finished getting standing before she lost her balance, her hands wailing wildly before she landed back down on her butt.
Syph had only just taken her hands off her, but Brianna still fell, causing her to let out a sigh before turning to Lexy. “Just like I tell your mother, it’s not our job to keep Boss pure.”
Brianna and Syph had both once been henchwomen working under Hannah, so they had a certain degree of softness for her daughter Lexy. However, from Lexy’s point of view, their henchmen status had been inherited by her and she didn’t hesitate to bark orders at them. Both women had long since stopped listening to her, and even Hannah couldn’t get them to budge if her requests went against my direct orders.
“You need to tighten your buttocks and firm your thighs.” The ski instructor purred as she pushed her chest against my arm, one hand on my butt and the other on my thigh.
“Th-this is high up.” Raven wasn’t paying attention to us, her focus was on the long path heading down.
It did look intimidating even for me. If I didn’t have the ski instructor actively reassuring me that it’d be a cakewalk, I’d be nervous too. I had only gone down the little learner’s hill. This would be my first real one. As for why I was doing it, perhaps I needed a little excitement in my life too. Why come to a ski resort city and not ski? Even with everything going on, this was still a new experience for me.
“Daddy, is my positioning correct?” Lexy asked, puffing out her cheeks as she stuck out her butt in my direction.
“You’re fine girl.” The instructor responded dismissively before wrapping her arms around me and grabbing both of my arms. “Now, remember, you’ll want to use the ski poles to start propelling you forward.”
“Yeah, I got it.” I nodded as I tried to remember everything the instructor had taught me while staring at the edge of the decline.
“You’re so smart, sweetie.” The girl patted me on the butt.
“Thanks.” I smiled.
“You know, after we’re done here, I know this beautiful little spot on the lake. There is a frozen waterfall. Its beauty is to die for.”
“Oh? Sounds cold.” I responded, not paying attention as I considered the long way down.
“It’s okay, boy. I’ll keep you warm.” She promised.
“Daaady! I’m confused. Does the pole go between my legs?” Lexy declared while mounting the pole.
“Sure does!” The instructor yelled back without looking before leaning closer to me. “Don’t worry, I wouldn’t do anything to let you get hurt, baby.”
“Ahhhh!” This cry came from Raven, who had gotten too close to the edge and started sliding forward.
“Raven!” I reached forward and grabbed at her, but my hand only managed to get the back of her pants.
She kept moving forward, but her ski shoes clicked off the of the skis and somehow she ended up flipping forward. I stumbled forward too, tripping on my knees. Raven’s pants and underwear ended up going down while her naked butt went up. She ended up falling into a downward dog position and went face-first into her naked bottom. My face immediately fell into something warm and moist.
“Haha… you see Lexy, that’s how you get your daddy’s attention… woah!” Brianna broke into a laugh before suddenly losing her balance again. “Syph, why aren’t you struggling at all?”
“I’ve skied before. My parents used to bring me to a ski resort weekly.”
“Hmm… It’s blonde down here just like your mother.” I commented.
“P-pervert!” Raven cried out, only finally realizing by the vibrations of my voice what was going on.
She desperately crawled forth, trying to grab her pants and put them on. She stumbled back as she turned and pulled her pants up, landing on her back. As she sat up, she noticed Lexy was staring at her intensely.
“Teach me your ways.” Lexy declared.
“You must be more careful. This is a dangerous ski run. You need to take it seriously or you could get hurt.” The ski instructor chastised me as she helped me back into position.
“You think so?” I asked.
“No, not at all, you’re doing perfect, sweetheart.” She immediately beamed at me.
Even I noticed the seeming change in her attitude between the other girls and myself. “Uh…”
“Sometimes, you just need to shove it in and see what happens.” She declared.
“Off you go.”
She pushed me, and that was when I realized I was seriously going down the path. “W-w-w-wait!”
I didn’t have a chance though. The skis started to pick up speed on their own. I heard the other girls crying out, but then the sound of wind assaulted my ears and their words became distant. I desperately tried to put my knees like she had taught, putting the glasses over my eyes and then tucking the poles behind. I was quickly picking up speed. I could feel the wind against my skin, it stung slightly. I tried to move my legs, but it seemed like my body couldn’t move in the way I was supposed to. I couldn’t get the poles tucked under my armpit, but it was enough. The wind whipped me around, and I had trouble making out the landscape since it was passing by so fast.
I was helpless. It was terrifying. I closed my eyes and felt like I was falling. Realizing that was a quick way to die, I forced my eyes open. I could make out trees. If I hit one of those, I’d be dead. When she said this was a popular beginner path, I wasn’t expecting to go through trees!
My legs were shaking, my arms were tensing up, and my hands were hurting from holding the poles too tightly. I saw a tree coming up, I tried to move to the side, yet I overcompensated, and the next thing I knew I was flipping through the air. My mind instinctively triggered a spell, and I felt myself being covered by a layer of protective air. I crashed into the snow, flipping several times, but the strikes felt like I was being tossed with pillows. By the time I stopped, I felt only a little beat up.
As I tried to force my way to my feet, I realized one of my skis had broken off the shoe. As I fell, it must have snapped off, but looking back at the fifty or so feet I had rolled, I couldn’t see it. I was just about to start heading back the way I had fallen to try to find it when I heard another scream. Raven was coming down the trail fast too. I noticed she was heading for a cliff. I lifted my hand and used a spell. She looked like she had been struck. Her feet snapped off the skis and she went flying back. Meanwhile, the skis continued forward, flying off the cliff and falling twenty feet below.
I ripped off my remaining ski and then I started trancing through the snow. It was several feet deep and with the heavy ski shoes on, every step was difficult. However, it wasn’t long until I made it to Raven. She was lying in the snow with her eyes closed. I immediately felt a chill as I leaned down next to her.
“Raven? Raven!” I grabbed her shoulders, but as soon as I did, her eyes popped open.
“I fell…” She spoke simply.
I let out a sigh of relief, falling to my knees in the snow next to her. “What happened? Where is everyone else?”
“Everyone rushed to follow you,” Raven mumbled. “The path split. They all went left, but I couldn’t turn in time and I went right.”
I let out a breath. So, it was something like that. I had freaked out at the beginning and didn’t even pay attention to where I was going. I hadn’t seen a split at all. The pair of us had ended up going off the path. I bit my lip, looking up, and then looking down. It all looked the same. There was snow and trees. I had no clue which direction would be better. Walking up the mountain would be very difficult and even once we were up there, everyone else had already skied down, so we’d have to wait at the outpost for aid.
If we went down, it’d be easier, but I had no clue where we were. It was steep and there could be more cliffs. The safest option would probably be to sit tight and wait for rescue. Being who I was, people would certainly be sent pretty quickly. As I was considering things, I saw Raven next to me shivering.
“You should get up and out of the snow.” I grabbed her shoulders.
“S-stop.” She started trying to fight me.
“I mean it, you might get-”
“Ah!” she cried out, falling back down.
I let go of her. “Wh-what’s wrong?”
“It-it’s my ankle.” She responded. “I must have hit a branch or something, but I rolled my ankle as I fell off the skis.”
I bit my lip, feeling slightly regretful. She thought she had hit a branch, but I had used a spell to strike her. I had been panicked seeing her heading for the cliff and reacted without thinking. I had been too rough though and she was hurt. I could also see she was holding her side, so she might have a rib broken too.
“Just go without me.” She responded. “I’ll be alright.”
I shook my head. “You’re my daughter. There isn’t a chance in hell I’m going without you.”
“You say that like it means anything. You’re not my mother. All you did was provide some sperm.”
“I’m your father.”
“So, why can’t you just be a normal father and get out of my life!” She yelled back.
“You came on my trip. You came with me.”
“Your trip?” She made a face. “I escaped home. I snuck away because I wanted to see the world. You’re just… extra baggage I have to deal with. I don’t even think about it if I don’t have to.”
I was stunned for a moment. I shouldn’t be surprised. There seemed to be only really two kinds of girls, those who worshipped and based their lives on supporting men, and those who despised and based their lives on avoiding men. I never expected to have a daughter who followed the latter.
“Either way, I’m not leaving you behind,” I responded.
“Great… then we can freeze to death together!”
“We’re not going to freeze.” I frowned, looking around. “They’ll rescue us soon.”
After a few moments of thought, I held out my hands and they started to emit heat. I held them towards the shaking Raven. She shivered, but as she felt the warmth, she unconsciously leaned toward me.
“H-how soon?” She asked, her cheeks flushed red.
I glanced up at the sky. “It should be before nightfall.”
I said that more as a hope since our chances of surviving decreased if it got dark. Yet, a few hours later, the sun started to set, and there was still no rescue.